Chapter 20 - Goodbye!

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Third Person P.O.V

Taehyung's whole body was lying idle while floating in the water of the waterfall. He was trying to tell Jungkook to went back because he wouldn't be able to take the force of the water anymore but he couldn't say anything. He did not have the minimum strength to speak.

After a while Jungkook said,

- "Little tiger...let's get up now. If you stay more you'll have to suffer from cold later."

Taehyung couldn't say anything. Jungkook also didn't wait for his answer as he came back up with him. Immediately Lisa came and unzipped their belts and ropes.

Taehyung had fallen down on the ground. There were two more bottles of water in Jungkook's bag. He took them out and gave one to Taehyung. 

Taehyung drank half of the water and layed back on the ground. Jungkook was resting after eating the rest of the water. Suddenly, Jungkook looked up and saw Taehyung to sat up. 

He was breathing heavily and smiling, his eyes teary. He was looking at those streams of waterfalls. After a while he looked at Jungkook and said,

- "You don't know what you gave me today! It's a weird feeling. As long as I was there, I felt like I was in another world. Although I didn't have any strength but I felt really good. That feeling is something else! Thank you."

Jungkook smiled softly but didn't say anything. Lisa came to them and saw Taehyung in teary eyes. 

She asked looking at him,
- "Why are you crying?"

Taehyung chuckled through his tears and said,
- "It's a tear of happiness, noona. I can't explain to you how happy I am feeling now. But I don't know why, I can't stop my tears."

Jungkook smiled widely and said looking at him,
- "I can see you can't stop smiling also."

They all laughed loudly then. Jungkook took out a towel from his bag and gave it to Taehyung saying,

- "Tae, dry your hair with this."

Taehyung took the towel from him. Jungkook took his bag and went away somewhere. After a while Taehyung saw him wearing a dry three quarter pants and a t-shirt. Taehyung was still in his wet clothes. Every curve of his body were visible perfectly.

Jungkook noticed some boys and girls were looking at him with not so good intention. He understood why they were checking him out in that way. He came closer to Taehyung and gave him a spare t-shirt and pants saying,

- "Go and change. You didn't bring your bag right? So wear this for now."

Taehyung looked up at his hands and said shaking his head,

- "It's okay. We are going back to our guest house now. I can go like this. No problem."

- "I have a problem. Go and change now." 

Jungkook said in his deep serious voice and Taehyung straddled a bit hearing that tone. He didn't know the reason why Jungkook talk to him like that but he thought to let it go for now.

Taehyung took the t-shirt and pant from Jungkook and went behind a big tree to change his clothes. He looked at the t-shirt and he didn't know why but he smelled it. 

Oh how good that smell was! He loved Jungkook's smell. He can be addicted to this smell forever.

Taehyung hugged the t-shirt tightly in his chest and he realized he is in love with this older already. There is no confusion about it now. But how can he confess?

He is so younger than Jungkook. Jungkook will laugh at him if he confessed. Maybe?

Taehyung shrugged all his thinking and decided to enjoy the tour perfectly. He will decide when they'll return to Seoul. If Jungkook also feels the same way, he'll confess in between these days.

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