Chapter 39 - Arguments

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Third Person P.O.V

Taehyung had difficulties in breathing because of continuous crying. He won't be able to be with Jungkook again, this one thing was roaming inside his head again and again. Every moment he spent with Jungkook flashed back before his eyes. Their special moments, their dance under the rain, their little trips, their fights, their first night everything. 

Those plans, those dreams, those promises...everything will end that easily?

Suddenly Taehyung's phone rang and brought him back to reality from his thinking. As soon as Taehyubg heard the ringtone, he looked at the phone screen which was showing, "Kookie is calling..."

He quickly picked up the phone and his cry level got higher when he heard Jungkook's 'hello' over the phone. Taehyung kept crying when Jungkook said, "Oh my little tiger don't cry. Everything will be alright."

Jungkook knew the younger would cry like crazy so he decided to keep his emotions inside him and act normal before Taehyung. The younger cried more as he said, "I love you Kookie." 

"I love you more my little tiger." Jungkook answered though his throat became stiff but he answered with a fake smile nonetheless.

"I can't live without you Kookie. Please do something. Sort everything quickly please please please." Taehyung's desperate voice made Jungkook weaker as he closed his eyes and looked down to the ground. 

"Yes, baby. I'll sort everything. Don't cry anymore okay? Everything will be alright, you'll see." Jungkook assured him though he himself didn't know how he would do that. How he would solve the problem that had no solution.

"I called you so many times, you know that? Your phone was switched off." Taehyung scolded like a baby as he sniffed badly and breathed heavily. Jungkook genuinely smiled at that. Taehyung was his soul and....

How can someone live without his soul? 

"I...I threw my phone on the ground so it broke. Jisoo tried to fix it but it didn't open. I didn't call you in the last hour so I found out my first mobile before this one and then called you. How was the situation in your house? Did Namjoon give you speeches against me already?" Jungkook asked in a sarcastic way as tears rolled down from his eyes and he wiped his tears sniffing softly.

"No, I came back to my room after that but why did you break your phone?" Taehyung asked in his broken voice as he cried like a little girl. Jungkook smirked bitterly as he looked down and said, "Hosoek called me and tried to pinch me saying that I got rejected from your house and all. I don't pick his calls so he called me from an unknown number. How fucking disgusting a person can be, just think!" 

"Don't use slangs Kookie, please." Taehyung sniffed badly as he said that and the elder laughed bitterly. "I'm like this. I'm the bad one." Jungkook said with a heavy heart. 

"Don't talk like that. How Hosoek knew all these so quickly?" Taehyung asked to change the topic. "I don't know maybe mom told him. My mom just sometimes...." Jungkook huffed deeply as he said that. 

Taehyung became normal by that time as he said, "Don't be angry with mom. She is very naive. She doesn't understand the complications of this world." 

"No, I'm not angry with mom." Jungkook said as he wiped his already dried tears. Taehyung exhaled deeply as he asked, "Now tell me. What had happened between you and Joonie?"

Jungkook explained everything to him. He didn't change a bit what had happened. What Namjoon had told him and how he beat him and abuse him, he told him everything. Taehyung didn't say a word when Jungkook explained everything. After explaining everything when Taehyung didn't respond, Jungkook asked, "Tae? Say something?"

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