Chapter 7 - Beauty!

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook stepped into the little shop at the roadside and said to a girl,
- "Hello ma'am! Can I have two cups of tea?"

Taehyung looked at the girl. The girl was looking beautiful wearing their traditional dress. Her face was kinda sharp and very fresh looking. Taehyung whispered onto Jungkook's ears,
- "That girl is so beautiful and smart, isn't she?"

- "Why not they be smart and beautiful? Do you think they do not know the style because they live in the local areas of mountains? And they stay in such a beautiful place, fresh weather. They ought to be look beautiful. And why do you say so? Are you less beautiful than her?"

Taehyung felt his cheeks get hot as he felt shy hiding his gaze from the other. Jungkook also felt awkward suddenly as he thought,

What did I say!

To change the awkward environment between them Jungkook called Hanbin and said,
- "Hey Hanbin, come here."

Hanbin came and Jungkook said again,
- "Why were you sitting there? Have something to eat with us. You want some tea?"

Hanbin took his tea and some biscuits. After finishing the tea Jungkook said to Taehyung,
- "Will you see something fun?"

Taehyung frowned looking at him, not understanding anything. Jungkook smirked and stepped towards two old people who were sitting at the side of the road with some fruit to sell. 

Jungkook stood before them and asked sweetly,
- "Hey! Granny! Can i have this watermelon?"

The old man around 80 years old, looked at him and smiled widely. He nodded his head and said pointing on a watermelon,
- "It will be bely tweet. You can ty it."

Jungkook looked back at Taehyung grinning widely and Taehyung understood now what the ravenette was saying. The old people barely had teeth so when they talk it heard like a child is talking. 

Jungkook again looked at the old man and asked, 
- "How much is this?"

- "Thatty won." the old man said with a wide smile.

- "Can you cut two of them for me?" 

The old man nodded his head and cut two watermelons, packed them and gave it to Jungkook.

Jungkook took the packet and gave him the money. Saying them a firm 'good-bye' and got into the taxi with Taehyung. Taxi started again and Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung,
- "Wasn't that cute?"

- "Yes! They were so sweet!"

- "Yeah! I just love how they talk."

Taehyung smiled and asked,
- "You like watermelons?"

- "Watermelons are best in here. Have one and you'll know.

- "I'll have later."

- "Come on! Have one!" Jungkook said and handed Taehyung one big slice of watermelon.

- "Isn't it sweet?" Jungkook asked him excitedly.

- "Yeah! It's too sweet. God! I'll have diabetics!" Taehyung explained and Jungkook chuckled.


Jungkook didn't know before that someone could fall asleep so quickly in any situation. And he did not even know that anyone's face can look so charming while sleeping.

Taehyung was sleeping, yes he was sleeping in a taxi. Jungkook was holding with his hands in front of him so that he didn't fall. 

Taehyung looked great while sleeping. Jungkook observed the sleeping beauty behind him. Taehyung's eyes closed. His big lashes were falling on his slightly pink fluffy cheeks. His nose, lips and his breath everything was so mesmerizing that Jungkook even forgot to breath himself. Taehyung's hair was rolling over on his forehead. Jungkook slowly lifted his hand and removed the hair from the brunette's forehead.

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