Chapter 58 - It's possible

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Third Person P.O.V

After 3 months...

Taehyung is getting ready for his office. It's 10 in the morning and suddenly his phone starts ringing. Taehyung picks up his phone but when he sees Jungkook's number on the screen, he gets a little bit shocked. Jungkook never calls him in day time after they got apart totally. 

Did something bad happen?

That one simple thought makes the younger's heart go crazy and he quickly receives it saying, "Hello?"

 "Tae?" Jungkook's voice came soft but sad as he calls Taehyung. Something twitched inside Taehyung's chest.

"Yeah?" Taehyung answers as he holds his own shirt's collar tightly in anticipation. 

"How are you?" This is not Jungkook's tone. He never talks like that.

Taehyung begining to get worried as he answers, "I'm...I'm good. How are you?" 

"I'm very good and I'm going to do something to be more happy in future." Taehyung gulps slightly. His forehead starts sweating because of the tension as he asks softly, "What?"

"I'm going to marry Hosoek." Taehyung feels like someone just stabs in his heart with 100 knives. 

Why Hosoek?

Taehyung clears his throat as he says, "Oh! Congratulations! When are….you getting married?"

"This Friday." 

That means only 4 days left?

"Why….so soon? How will you arrange everything in this short time?" Taehyung asks normally but a storm is going inside his chest that he doesn't want to show him. 

"Nothing is happening. We'll go to the church that is near my house. No one is coming without just our family members." Jungkook answers softly. He is seeming very weak. 

"Oh, that's great." Taehyung says as he tries to stop his tears from coming. They didn't say anything as silence engulfs them.

After a minute Jungkook says clearing his throat, "Okay, then. I've to go to the office. Take care, Taehyung."

"You too." With that Jungkook hangs up the phone. Taehyung can't breath properly as his breathing system stops.

Why is he getting married in such a hurry? Is he really going to marry Hosoek? He used to hate him right?

Taehyung couldn't find any answer to his questions. He can't even ask Jungkook all these. He has no right to ask him. Hell, he himself is engaged with someone else. They moved on right? So he should give Jungkook a chance to move on. 

But why is it hurting so bad? 

It was 12 in the afternoon when Taehyung got another call on his phone.

This time it's Jungkook's mother.

Taehyung furrows his brow looking at the screen as he starts wondering, why Mrs. Jeon called him? 

"Hello, Taehyung?" Mrs. Jeon says out as soon as he receives the call. 

"Hello, Mrs. Jeon." Taehyung replies softly but his heart is not in it's right position.

"How are you honey?" Mrs. Jeon asks softly and Taehyung closes his eyes taking a deep breath, he answers, "I'm fine. How is your health now?"

"I'm fine now. I wanted to talk to you." Taehyung nods his head softly saying a small 'yeah' which came like a whisper.

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