Chapter 27 - Home

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook woke up from sleep before dawn. He didn't realize when he fell asleep. Taehyung was sleeping soundly on his chest. They had two beds in the cabin but they both fell asleep sitting on the chair. He looked at Taehyung as he remembered the moments they had yesterday night. It still felt amazing to Jungkook. He smiled sheepishly stroking the younger's fluffy hair.

When the train whistled as they reached their destination, Jungkook wiggled in his position a little to wake Taehyung up but the little head wasn't even moving a bit. Jungkook softly shook him holding his shoulder and said,

"Tae? Baby, wake up. We are here." Taehyung whined as usual and Jungkook smiled looking at him. 

"Please don't disturb me baby. I wanna sleep." Jungkook's eyes widen hearing the nickname from him. Taehyung never called him that before. Butterflies started forming inside Jungkook's stomach as he smiled widely. 

Taehyung's sleepy voice and the new nickname, Jungkook was sure that this little tour would be the best. People said everything when they usually get drunk but Taehyung did that in his sleep. 

"Tae? Please wake up. You can sleep at home." Jungkook said raising his voice a bit to wake the sleepyhead. 

"Where are we?" Taehyung sat up in his seat finally, rubbing his eyes.

"We are at the Busan station. Come on now, get up and get your bag. We have to move." Jungkook said as he stood up and took his own bag and Taehyung's suitcase in his hands. Taehyung also took his backpack and they both got down from the train holding each other's hands.

Jungkook hired a taxi and settled down their bags in the car. While doing that Taehyung was washing his face with some drinking water. After then they got into the taxi. 

"I'm feeling nervous." Taehyung said as soon as he got into the taxi. 

"Why?" Jungkook furrowed his brow looking at him. 

"I don't know. I'm going to meet your family for the first time. It's normal to feel nervous." Taehyung said nervously. He was sweating in the cold weather.

Jungkook pulled him close holding his shoulder and said in his ears whispering, "What if you'll find out that there is no one at home?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung widen his eyes as his eyebrows almost touched each other.

"I mean, if you find out that there is no one at home without you and me. What will you do?" Jungkook asked nonchalantly in his teasing voice. He licked his lips intentionally to make the younger more nervous.

"We….we'll wait for them then." Taehyung said gulping the dry air inside his mouth.

"And if they won't come, then?" Jungkook pressed his fingers deeper on Taehyung's shoulder. A chill ran through Taehyung's body.

"Don't talk ridiculous now. I'm already nervous!" Taehyung glared at Jungkook hitting on his chest lightly with his little fist.

Jungkook didn't say anything more as he started laughing loudly. Taehyung was fuming in anger seeing Jungkook's laugh but eventually he also laughed along with the revanette.


Jungkook's house was a little far from the main city. It was in a village side. It was a little village 30 minutes away from Busan city. At the right side of the road there were fields of different crops. Cows and sheep were walking freely in the field. The sky was clear and there was a sound of different birds chirping all around.

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