Chapter 51 - Now or Never

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Third Person P.O.V

After 1 week

Taehyung is standing right across Jungkook who is resting his back on the wall of his balcony's right side. The balcony of Jungkook's room isn't very big but big enough for two people to stand and chat.

But It's been almost 15 minutes they are here but didn't say a word to each other. Taehyung didn't  because he was angry and pissed on Jungkook as he didn't contact him in last 1 week.

That's why he came to Jungkook's house today with the help of Jin to talk out the matter. And the elder didn't because he couldn't find any better topic to start the conversation.

"I thought of this matter properly the whole week." Jungkook finally decides to break the silence between them as he trails, "I knew it before that Namjoon will never gonna accept us but I was hoping that maybe someday your parents will melt their tough hearts and accept us but that day when you told me that they hit you for me, for this relationship, I lost every last hope I had. They won't accept us ever, Tae. So it's better for the both of us if we don't contact each other."

Taehyung forgot every single anger he had of Jungkook and came closer to the elder. Putting his hand on Jungkook's chest which is beating so fast that it might get explode now. He says with his slightly broken voice, "Don't say like this please, Kookie."

"I'm not saying anything without thinking, Tae. I thought about this matter the whole day and night." Jungkook moves away a little. He doesn't want Taehyung get hurt again because of him. 

"We can continue our relationship like before. We don't need their concern in that." Taehyung says, softly looking down. He himself knows that it can't go like that but he isn't ready to lose the elder just yet.

"No Tae, it doesn't work like that." Jungkook held the wide white railing of his open balcony. His eyes are closed as he looks down thinking all the tough things he has to say to the younger now. It'll be tough but he has to do it. It's now or never.

Taehyung is on the urge of crying. His tears are welling up in his eyes as he says, "I can't believe that you're saying all this."

"I'm just telling the reality." Jungkook's voice came stern to the elder. He has a bulky shoulder which is going up and down through his white thin shirt as Taehyung can see, he is rapidly breathing. He knows it is difficult for the elder too.

"When you'll get married to someone or you'll be in a relation with anyone else, I'll be out of your way. But till then we can continue our relationship." Taehyung is desperate now.

All these days Jungkook always tried to continue their relationship even though he behaved rudely but he always tried so Taehyung had some kind of a relief that the elder was still in love with him.

But now, when he is saying all these things Taehyung's blank brain cells are poking him to think everything negative. 

"I'll never marry anyone, Tae." Jungkook says now turning around to face Taehyung who looks at him with glossy eyes. And those eyes hurt the elder badly.

"Then what's the problem in continuing the relationship?" Taehyung holds Jungkook's hand as he asks that. Two or three drops of water fall on his cheeks as he hiccuped twice. It was tough for Jungkook to see the younger like that.

"There is a problem, Tae. I can't live without talking with you continuously. When I see you, something inside me triggers all the time to see you every freaking day. When I touch you, I feel like touching you more, loving you more." Jungkook shouts all of that clutching his black hairs in his fist. He is tired of his own feelings to be honest.

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