Chapter 36 - Drunk In Love

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Taehyung opened the first two buttons of his shirts and after that Jungkook's whole body stopped moving. His breathing stopped as he saw the most beautiful sight. He never imagined Taehyung would do something like that for Jungkook. He wanted to say a lot of things but his body wasn't ready to react yet!

Jungkook never thought he could be an addict of something or someone but that day he decided that he is addicted.

Addicted to Taehyung!

Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook's whole world stopped right in front of Taehyung. The younger exposed his neck sliding his shirt down and Jungkook's gaze landed on the black flowers tattoo on his whole shoulder, neck and also a little part of his chest.

Jungkook couldn't blink his eyes

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Jungkook couldn't blink his eyes. His whole body turned cold as he slowly raised his hands to touch the beautiful tattoo. The tattoo was fake but Jungkook loved it. In those 7 months, Taehyung got to know a lot about the elder and tattoos were one of them. Jungkook loves tattoos. So Taehyung decided to surprise him with a fake one.

As soon as Jungkook's fingers touched the tattoo, Taehyung shivered with the coldness. His breathing came uneven as his body craved for more. Jungkook slid his fingers throughout the tattoo and the petit boy tried to clutched the sofa cover to control his body.

Hot breath fell on Taehyung's ears as Jungkook said, "Can I kiss them?" Goosebumps hit harder on the younger but he slowly nodded his head. His eyes were closed and he bit his lips unconsciously. Jungkook pulled him closer as he placed a soft kiss on a flower which was on Taehyung's neck.

The younger's hand somehow reached Jungkook's locks and clutched them tightly in anticipation. The elder's small kisses on the whole tattoo made Taehyung crazy as he breathed heavily. Jungkook's grip on him tightened and they both felt the hot air around them. They both wanted to touch, wanted to love, wanted to feel and wanted to be loved.

"We...we should stop I think." Jungkook said breathing heavily. His throat became dry. He wanted to touch the angel on his lap so badly but he controlled himself. Taehyung opened his eyes and looked at him.

He moved his body fully towards Jungkook and settled himself perfectly on his lap. His slight tears sparkled his eyes and Jungkook saw so many emotions in them. They stared at each other for a few seconds and Taehyung cupped Jungkook's face softly. Jungkook felt a soft kiss on his lips which left for a second.

Taehyung looked at his eyes directly as he said whispering, "I want to feel you good tonight." Jungkook's heartbeat stopped for a minute as he looked at Taehyung with his shocked eyes.

"Tae, are drunk baby. You don't know what you are saying." Jungkook said as he knew that Taehyung wasn't in his own senses but he wasn't that much drunk either. But Jungkook made sure about this matter as this will be a big step for the younger.

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