Chapter 31 - Beomeosa Temple

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Third Person P.O.V

Mild sunshine fell on Jungkook's face that woke him up from his sleep. He opened his eyes to meet with a beautiful view that he hadn't seen for almost 7 and a half months! Taehyung's pretty sleeping face, soft snores and pouty lips were looking angelic to Jungkook. The moments of last night flashbacked in his memories as he smiled looking at the younger.

They could've done more that night but Jungkook didn't cross his border line. He knew the younger needed time. He knew Taehyung did all of those just to make him happy and he just couldn't take that chance for granted. He loved Taehyung and there were plenty of time left for them still.

But the elder felt something more in him that morning, Taehyung was not looking a teenager anymore. Jungkook didn't know why but his face, his features everything looked beautifully adult to him. Suddenly the younger felt like one grown up, sexy and also innocent man to him. It felt oddly amazing!

Jungkook removed Taehyung's hair above of his ears and tugged them behind the ears. He wished to be wake up with this younger till his last breath!

You gave me something that I never imagined in my life! Now it's my time to surprise you my little tiger.

Taehyung wiggled out lightly changing his side and held Jungkook tightly hiding his face on his chest. Jungkook chuckled seeing that as he gave a small peck on the younger's head.

"Guys, come on now. It's 12 in the noon. Wake up for God's sake!" Jisoo's voice straddled both of them from their position. Jungkook looked at the door which was been thumping continuously by his little sister. Taehyung opened his eyes as he looked at the door rubbing his eyes.

"We are awake. Jesus! have some patience, little bird!" Jungkook shouted with his sleepy voice and Taehyung looked at him and looked around to acknowledge everything. His sleepy brain was functioning slowly so he didn't understand what was happening for a minute.

"Mom will be here in an hour. You two wake up and clean your mess quickly. Get the hell out of the room before she comes please!" sometimes Jungkook wondered if he really a big brother or not because his little sister gave orders to him all the time whereas he should be the one giving orders or suggestions! 

"Alright! We are coming out in 10 but can you make lunch for us please? We are hungry!" Jungkook shouted back as the room was 'soundproof', it became hard for them to hear what someone was saying from outside the room. The siblings were shouting their lungs out and Taehyung was holding his ears tightly, closing his eyes to save himself from their sound pollution assault.

"GO TO HELL!" that was the last thing Jungkook heard from his little sister when he asked her to make some lunch for them. Jungkook chuckled looking at Taehyung who was holding his ears with his hands. Jungkook removed his hands from his ears smiling softly.

"Good morning, my little tiger." Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ears as the younger tilted his head giggling softly from the tickling sensation.

"Good morning." he looked at Jungkook and said smiling widely. Jungkook gave a small peck on his lips and Taehyung covered his mouth with his hands instantly.

"Ewwww…..morning breath. Gross!" his tone came out like a baby and the elder chuckled loudly. He held Taehyung's hand attempting to kiss him once again and the younger quickly stood up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom. 

Taehyung stood behind the bathroom door covering his half naked body and let out his tongue to make a weird face for the elder and then he closed the door giggling loudly. Jungkook loved the start of the morning. He just wanted that kind of morning all his life!

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