Chapter 26 - Knew It!

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Third Person P.O.V

3 months later...

Jungkook was standing at the Seoul train station. Their train will leave for Busan at 10.30 in the night. He was nervous and excited at the same time. Taehyung was going to his parent's house with him. Their relationship was moving one step further.

Yogyeom and Lisa were also standing with him. They came here to help Taehyung. Because the younger was going to Busan with Jungkook but he told his parents that it's another trip of TOSK. 

Taehyung's father and Namjoon knew Yogyeom and Lisa before so Jungkook asked them to help. Taehyung just couldn't say about Jungkook in his house yet! He needed to complete his graduation and then he decided to talk about it with his brother.

So for now they had to make a proper plan for going on a tour alone! It was almost 10:25 and Taehyung didn't come yet! Jungkook told Yogyeom to call Taehyung and then they got to know he already reached.

Jungkook got on the train before Taehyung to hide from Taehyung's family members. After some time Taehyung came with his father. His father got him up in the train and then waited at the station up until the train leave for Busan. Yogyeom and Lisa also had to got up in the train without having another options. 

Taehyung's father stood in his position even after the train had started. Taehyung waved at him from the window and said a firm 'goodbye' to his father. His father also waved at him smiling softly. The train moved a far but Taehyung was still seeing his father. His father moved from his place and went away but Taehyung was still in his position.

Seeing him like that Jungkook said,
"The train has started. Get your head inside now Tae, otherwise you would get hit by something."

Taehyung didn't listen to him. Jungkook pulled him by holding his hands. He got a shock seeing Taehyung's face. His eyes were full of water.

Jungkook widened his eyes as he asked desperately, "Baby, what happened? Why are you crying?"

Tears welled up as they fell on Taehyung's cheeks now. Jungkook hate when Taehyung cries! He just hates it! 

Taehyung sobbed badly and then said, "I never lied to my dad. I loved him so much. More than anything! And today I lied to him for going somewhere. I'm feeling really bad." his voice came broken as hiccups and sobbs collided with each other.

Jungkook couldn't understand what to say! He felt really guilty about the situation because Taehyung came for him. Taehyung had to lie to his father for him.

He wiped Taehyung's tears from his puffy pink cheeks and then said, "Let's go. We're going back."

"Why? No. I'm not going back. Are you mad at me Kookie? It's just….I'm doing this for the first time. That's why I'm feeling like this and we told each other to be honest about our feelings right? I'm just being honest with you." Taehyung's big doe watery eyes were looking at Jungkook with so much affection that Jungkook could feel himself drowning in those eyes.

"I'm not mad at you baby. I won't feel good if you'll not be happy going somewhere with me." Jungkook smiled softly creasing the cheeks of Taehyung's.

"No, I won't go." Taehyung pouted sadly shaking his head abruptly. His straight black hair were flying with every swing of his head. He was looking like a little baby.

"Why are you being so stubborn?" Jungkook chuckled asking the question with amusement.

"Because in my life, you are as much as important as my father is to me!" Jungkook didn't say anything further. He felt grateful. Grateful of Taehyung to gave him such importance! He knew Taehyung loves his family a lot. Jungkook really didn't expect to be in that position so early. He felt proud of his 'love'.

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