Chapter 33 - One Night More!

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Third Person P.O.V

They had to wake up early in the morning the next day. Because they had to return back to Seoul. Jungkook woke up first as usual and took his good 30 minutes to observe the beauty next to him. This vacation would be in his memories forever! He could never forget the last two nights of his life.

Taehyung woke up by himself which was rare. When he opened his eyes, he saw Jungkook looking at his eyes already. "Good morning" his voice came raspy as he gave him a sweet smile.

"Good morning your highness. We need to get ready and move now. You have to reach home by afternoon, right?" Jungkook said with a smile but his smile faulted when he saw Taehyung's sudden numb face. 

"Something wrong baby?" the elder immediately tensed up because he just couldn't take Taehyung's sad face. Taehyung looked at him and the tears which were brimming in his eyes were sparkling at Jungkook. The elders heart skipped a bit seeing that.

"Baby, what happened? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me." Jungkook sat up as he said looking down at the younger with his concerned face.

"I don't wanna go." Taehyung's pink plump lips puckered out as he pouted sadly. His tone came slightly broken. Jungkook let out a breath as he held them before and sighed deeply.

"Gosh! You scared me, tiger!" Jungkook's hand went on his chest as he huffed once again. Then a chuckle came out from his thin lips as he plopped down beside him once again. Taehyung followed his every action as his brow furrowed in annoyance because the elder wasn't taking his words seriously.

"I'm serious." He sat up a bit as he said in his serious deep tone and Jungkook looked at the younger with his previous smiley face. "But that's not possible, sweetheart. You told your parents that you are coming back today, right?" Jungkook stated and Taehyung looked away from him knowing that the elder was saying right!

He did ask for five days but his heart wasn't ready to leave Jungkook just yet. He wanted to stay one more night with the ravenette. He thought for some minutes and Jungkook looked at him with furrowed brows as he didn't understand the mood of the younger in  early in the morning.

"What's going on in your little head?" Jungkook sat up as well as he asked the brunette with a soft smile. He arched his brow at Taehyung when the younger stood up from the bed without replying anything.

"Okay! Now this is too much. Tell me what's happening? Why are you behaving so weird, baby? Is everything alright?" Taehyung unconsciously bit his lips as his thoughts roamed around in his mind. He didn't even listen what the ravenette had asked him.

"Tae?" Jungkook didn't usually call the brunette by his name after their relationship. So whenever Jungkook called him by his name, Taehyung understood that he is serious. Now that he heard his name slipped from Jungkook's mouth, he snapped his head towards the said man and looked at him nervously.

"Nothing. I'm sorry, I just zoned out. I'm gonna go and change. We should leave now." the vowels came kinda unbalanced to Jungkook. Taehyung tried his best to look normal but somehow Jungkook understood that nothing was normal. But he didn't understand why Taehyung was behaving like that.

They had their breakfast in total silence. Jungkook tried to know the problem or matter that was going inside Taehyung but the younger didn't say anything to him. He felt bad that this was the last day of their tour but he felt more bad that Taehyung was not smiling on their last day.

They got ready and got into the car forbidding their 'goodbyes' to the priests of the temple. They also prayed together. Throughout the time, Taehyung didn't say a word. It felt like he was in some kind of a deep thought. Jungkook was observing him all the way but couldn't understand the matter. Then he thought they would be apart from each other after some hours and maybe that's why the younger was sad.

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