Chapter 49 - Crime

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Third Person P.O.V

The next morning they woke up and took a quick shower. After having their breakfast they left for Seoul. They reached when it was 2 in the afternoon. Jungkook dropped the younger a little far away from his house. 

Taehyung is about to get down but stops when Jungkook says, "Thanks for the last two days." Taehyung gives a sweet smile as the elder trails, "When I got out for office that day, I thought nothing of it could happen. Those two days and nights were like a dream to me." 

"Thanks to you for giving me those two days. It was also a dream for me." Saying that Taehyung gets out of the car. He shuts the door and looks inside through the window saying, "Don't forget that my body and soul both are yours now." 

Jungkook looks at him with his surprised eyes as Taehyung smiles softly saying, "See you soon. Take care Kookie." Taehyung starts walking and Jungkook gets down of the car running towards the younger, he stops him.

"Did you feel guilty about yesterday?" Jungkook asks and Taehyung shakes his head smiling softly. "Not at all. Why would I feel that?" Taehyung answers immediately.

"Sure?" Jungkook again asks to clarify his confusions. Taehyung nods his head as he gives a soft smile to the elder.

"Okay, I don't call you everyday but please receive whenever I call?" Jungkook asks, lowering his voice and Taehyung feels like they are seeing each other for the last time. Though they don't know when they'll see each other once again. 

"Okay, now go. Bye." With that Taehyung goes inside his house quickly. Jungkook stands there for some more minutes and then drives away. 

Taehyung was thinking about yesterday night all the time. How beautifully the elder touched him, loved him! Jungkook is loving and touching another man like that, this one thought was killing him inside. He won't be able to handle that pain.

He will kill that boy but he won't let Jungkook be anyone else's. He sat up beside the window and tried to think about some ideas to make his parents agree on their relationship. What should he do to convince them? 

At that moment Jungkook called him. Taehyung lazily picks up the call as the elder asks, "Is everything alright in your house?"

Taehyung hummed in reply and Jungkook understands that his mood is not so good as he asks again, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Taehyung replies casually and the elder now furrows his brow because he is sure that something is wrong.

"Tae? Tell me what's wrong." Jungkook says and the younger now huffs as he sits up a bit and says, "I'm trying to find some ideas to convince my parents about us."

Jungkook let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He exhales deeply as he says, "You scared me."

"Why? Isn't it serious? We should think about something." Taehyung says as his lips become a furrow.

Jungkook chuckles as he says, "You didn't think about this last 1 year. Don't you think you took too long to think about this now?" 

Taehyung looks down as he has no answer about this question. He realizes that he really took a long time. Jungkook looks up at the sky as he says, "Tae, look at the sky."

Taehyung looks up at the sky as they see a beautiful moon together. "You see that moon?" Taehyung nods his head as he hummed in reply. Jungkook smiles as a drop of tear falls from his eye.

"I'm seeing you through this. I'm there always." Taehyung closes his eyes hearing that soft voice. "I won't be able to see you with anyone else, Kookie. Please think about something." Jungkook now chuckles hearing the confession.

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