Chapter 55 - The death of two souls

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Third Person P.O.V

"Tae, did you find…Tae!!!" Jungkook shouts out his name when he sees Taehyung on the floor, crying all over like a little baby. Jungkook rushes towards him as he engulfs the younger in his warmth.

"Baby why are you crying? What happened? Did Jin say something bad?" Taehyung loudly cries this time clutching Jungkook's t-shirt. Jungkook doesn't understand anything as he tries to sooth the younger's pain by creasing his side.

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong?" Jungkook again asks as he can't see this elfin boy cry anymore. 

"Koo….kookie" Taehyung stutters in between his cry and Jungkook nods looking at his red teary eyes as he wipes all the big big tears that are coming from his small eyes. "Yes baby, tell me?" 

"Da….da….dad…." The mention of Taehyung's dad gives a pang on Jungkook's heart as he stiff there. Something bad must've happened and suddenly the urge of keeping Taehyung more close to himself is rushing inside his veins.

Jungkook's throat dries and his vowels tremble as he asks whispering, "What happened?"

Taehyung looks down crying badly as he says, "Da….Dad had a heart attack la…last night. He...he is in the now."

Jungkook's eyes get bigger hearing that. He wastes no time as he stands up quickly. Collecting his car keys, mobile and wallet, he comes near Taehyung who is still crying on the floor. "Tae, get up. We need to go right now." Jungkook says holding Taehyung's one hand.

"This is all my fault. This was the only fear, I didn't come to you all this while." Taehyung bleats saying that. His heartbeat accelerates so fast that he can't even understand what he should do. How will he face his father after all this?

"Tae, this is not the time to cry. You've to be strong. You can't be weak this time. Let's go, we are already late." Taehyung says nothing more as he gets up wiping his tears and rushes outside behind Jungkook.

The elder tells his mother and sister about the incident and rushes towards his car, wasting no more time. Mrs. Jeon said to him that she'll come later if the situation will remain civil between the Kim family and him because she knows how Taehyung's brother can react.

Taehyung doesn't say a word throughout the drive. His mind is hurtling with lots of negative thoughts. Will his father leave him forever? 


God can't give him that much punishment right? He loves his father the most. More than Jungkook, more than anyone in this world. If something would happen to his father, he'll never ever forgive himself. 

"This is all my fault. I pressured you to come to me. If I didn't do that, this day might have never come." Jungkook suddenly says out looking all guilty. He couldn't even look at Taehyung and how could he? He knows how much Taehyung loves his father.

Taehyung looks at him this time. He holds Jungkook's hand which was on his side and says, "Don't blame yourself. Even If you wouldn't pressurise me, I would still come back to you. Whatever was happening with me in that house was too much for me. But dad wasn't saying anything all those while. He was just….mute. He neither stopped hyung or mom nor said anything bad to hurt me.......and I hurt him like that." 

Jungkook holds his hand tightly as he says, "Everything will be alright."

Taehyung looks away biting his lips. He doesn't want to cry but he can't even control himself. Thinking himself the reason of his father's condition is killing him inside.

They reached Seoul hospital after 20minutes. They saw Namjoon sitting before the cabin where Taehyung's father is. Taehyung runs in the direction with Jungkook behind him. Taehyung enters the room and when Jungkook is about to enter, Namjoon stops him.

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