Chapter 21 - Answer

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Third Person P.O.V

Jungkook came back to his house when he didn't find Taehyung. He wasn't feeling right about anything!

Last night he couldn't even sleep because of the temptation to see Taehyung. He thought he would sleep after coming back to his house but what is sleep, what is hunger! He forgot everything because of just one name.


Even though he knew where Taehyung live but he couldn't just get into his house for no reason. What should he do? Thinking about all this, all of a sudden he remembered that Yogyeom must've had Taehyung's number. In the registration form they had to give every information. He quickly took his phone and dialed Yogyeom's number but the number came switched off.

Jungkook called him 5 times but every single time was the same. There was no patience left inside Jungkook as he dialed Yogyeom's mother number and thankfully his mother received the call saying,

- "Hello? Jungkookie? How are you baby?"

- "I'm...I'm fine aunt Yuna. Is Yogyeom at home? I have been calling him but his phone is coming unreachable."

- "Yeah, he is in his room, probably sleeping. He looked really tired when he came back. Try again maybe his phone is dead."

- "Alright. Thank you aunt Yuna."

- "It's okay dear."

Jungkook cut the line and quickly dialed Yogyeom's number once again. This time it came busy. But Jungkook felt relief as he thought,

At least I would be able to ask him now!

Why don't Jungkook find his number busy? where Taehyung was also calling Yogyeom continuously for Jungkook's number. But Yogyeom wasn't picking it up. They both were calling in unison that's why his number was coming busy.

Suddenly Taehyung remembered that he called his father from Jungkook's number. He quickly ran to his father's room. His father was getting ready for office when Taehyung said,

- "Dad? Can I...Can I take your phone? I need to make an important call and my phone is dead."

- "Yeah sure. Take it but make it quick. I need to leave in 10 minutes."

- "I'll take 2 minutes." Taehyung said and ran out of the room towards his room with the phone in his hands.

He kept thinking about the date and time when he called his father from that number. He found five unknown numbers at that day's contact list. Three of them were almost on the same time when Taehyung called his father so he quickly write them down in his diary and returned the phone to his father.

He again came back to his room locking the door, he sat beside the window. It's 12pm in the afternoon but the weather was gloomy outside. He took his phone and typed the first number from the three. When someone picked the call he said unsurely,

- "Hello?"

A harsh voice of a woman could be heard from the other side of the phone as she said,

- "Who's this?"

Taehyung quickly cut the line and mark it with a cross sign over the number in the diary. Then he dialed the second one. A man said from the other side,

- "Hello Taehyung-shi? How may I help you?"

Taehyung got surprised as he asked,

- "Ummm...who are you?"

- "I'm JB."

JB is his father's personal assistance. Taehyung face palmed himself as he said stuttering,

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