Chapter 5: The Arrangements...

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Ashla: Eh~ I guess you can stay, ONLY IF..."

Royce: "Let me guess, you DO want me stay if you want me to tend to the house when you're out, right?"

Ashla: "Yep," Ashla says as she confirms his assumptions, "I want you to stay and tend to my house as there isn't much to tend to, seeing that it's pretty much simple around here; the Scorpion Tails are in the cabinets, salted meats by the Scorpion Tails and the 'clean' water is down in the Scorpion Pit down in the basement. If you need sleep, there are several pieces of furniture around here that you can rest in AND if you dust my room, I'll let you sleep in my room and possibly with me!" Ashla says to Royce as she winks at the newly turned 21-year-old. Making Royce feel flustered, knowing he wasn't going to either suffer nor die, but at least he'll be somewhat appreciated.

Royce: "Thank you, Ashla," he then gives the Siamese Captain his appreciation by hugging her, something she didn't expect, not resisting, she continued letting him hug her, affection that was never given to her as a child even when raised by adoptive parents. "I'll make sure that everything is spic and span!" Royce told the Siamese Cat Captain as she then left. Which to then Royce began doing as what he promised to the Siamese Captain whom went out patrolling her usual route.

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