Chapter 16: Finding The Source of Ashla's Corruption?

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Royce leaves their house and proceeds to head back to Ashla's bosses' palace, Royce, trying to find a secret entrance into the palace, but then thought, "This is not what Ashla would want me to do," so instead of trying to looking for an entrance, he approaches the front door only to be stopped by two Siamese Cat Guards that were protecting the front door.

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "Good to see you today, Royce, how're you doing today?"

Siamese Cat Guard 3: "Do you know this naked Mandrill, Joy?"

Joy: "Honestly, Vhel? Only a few hours, you see the Captain turned against her new boyfriend and he had to defend himself, remember the meeting? He was pulling off all sorts of moves like, a Cooper!" then for Joy and Vhel to draw their Scimitars and point them towards Royce.

Vhel: "That thing fighting the Captain was him? No way!"

Royce: "May I have an audience with the Captain's bosses' or not? This is important!"

Vhel: "Give us a reason to why we should let you?" Royce then begins to start losing his patience.

Royce: "I JUST NEED AN AUDIENCE WITH HER BOSSES; it's an update on the Captain's status of her 'disability'! Let me through or things are going to get nasty."

Joy: "Look Royce, I'll need to know the REAL reason to why you declare an audience with our bosses."

Royce: "*sigh* Look, I'm investigating as to what made or caused my girlfriend to suddenly turn against me, and I think someone compelled or put her under some sort of control that made her turn so suddenly."

Joy: "Let her pass, Vhel."

Vhel: "You can't be serious Joy," Vhel objected her new temporary Captain's orders.

Joy: "Let him pass; THAT'S AN ORDER, VHEL!" Vhel then lets the 21-year-old through the front door only to gain Cyril Le Paradox and Ms.Decibels' attention as soon as he he entered through the front door.

Le Paradox: "Well if it isn't the Cooper! Care to give me your cane? I'll be easier on you and I."

Royce: "I am NOT no raccoon nor a Cooper, I only come here to seek an audience with the two of you, this is important."

Ms.Decibel: "Important, as in how? Speak up you scoundrel!"

Royce: "May I take a seat? This is about the Captain and I." Royce tries to find a nearby seat but only finds a nearby platform where he could sit on while also talking to said skunk and elephant. "You see, a few hours ago, the Captain exhibited unusual behavior at a specific individual; me, and I wanted to bring this to your attention and I need your help to figure out whom hypnotized my girlfriend: Ashla."

Le Paradox: "'Hypnosis, you say? The only one here that IS capable of hypnosis is Ma Cherie. And I think she has nothing against you; is that right, Ms.Decibel?"

Ms.Decibel: "Oh, absolutely Cyril, just mindless cowardice," Ms.Decibel smirked before releasing her hypnotic musical tunes onto the 21-year-old making him go around in circles mindlessly before snapping out of his hypnotic trance. Once Royce snapped out of his hypnotic trance, he then knew what he had to do; prove to Ashla that her bosses were up to no good.

Royce: "Sorry 'Ms.Noisy' but I have other plans, and to prove my Captain's innocence, I'm gonna take your most precious weapon," Royce stuffs some palm leaves, cotton and silk into his ears. As Royce prepared an engagement with the British pachyderm.

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