Chapter 23: Meeting The Cooper Gang... Or What's Left Of Them. Part 1.

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As Royce got done talking with Salim Al Kupar and returned back home with his wife, Ashla, he saw the 3 strangers standing around (with the exception being the turtle in his wheelchair and the Interpol Fox sitting on the nicely prepped silky couch) and a muscular hippo standing in the living room, Royce was about to take out his new Canes (the medium-sized one) only to be met with a threat from the Interpol agent and a shock pistol. Resulting in him putting away the newly acquired cane before being made (told) to sit.

Royce: "What do you people want," Royce then looked over the female fox (Vixen) only to notice a badge pinned over her left chest along with several shock pistol rounds making the 21-year-old quiver in silence, "wait! You're a cop! I'm innocent I tell ya, I didn't do anything wrong." Royce then began staring into oblivion resulting in Ashla smacking him in the back of Royce's head so slightly as to not harm the epileptic young adult. "Ow Ashla, sorry."

Ashla: "Royce, they're not here to harm us. They're from the future."

Royce: "Yeah, they certainly don't look like they're from around here, I mean this time period. Nor did they have wheelchairs back in Ancient Arabia," Royce said as to be observant. That was right before Salim Al Kupar came in at the best possible time.

Salim: "Bentley, Murray, Carmelita, leave Royce alone. He hasn't done anything wrong, in fact he has helped defeat Ms.Decibel," Salim spoke for Royce as the others then lowered their guards and got used to being around the human. As they began explaining to why they were here specifically. That was also when Salim asked (along with Royce) where Sly Cooper and why he wasn't with the three.

Royce: "Where's Sly? The last time I saw him; Sly and I were against Ms.Decibel together. Then before he left, he gave me his Calling Card." Royce proceeds to pull out the Calling Card as Carmelita then snatches the Calling Card upon inspection.

Carmelita: "This is Cooper's authentic Calling Card alright, no doubt about it!" Carmelita said as she began to weep. Royce noticed this and began feeling sorry for the Vixen even though he probably had absolutely no idea what she was weeping about.

Royce: "Cooper was your boyfriend, wasn't he Ms.Fox? Carmelita?" The others were shocked if not surprised that this 21-year-old knew of the "relationship" that was going on between cop and robber. "It's Okay," those words were enough to make the grieving Fox now snap with anger and hatred over the loss of her most loved person, the one that stole her heart and probably the meaning of her living: Sly Cooper. Before grabbing her shock pistol and shooting at the 21-year-old and chasing after Royce in anger and rage.

Carmelita: "Come back here Cooper! You know I'll get you!!" Carmelita said out of pure anger, desperation and adrenaline as she began chasing the human. Something about this reminded Royce about the Cop and Robber relationship Sly Cooper and Carmelita Fox had.

Royce: "Calm down Ms.Fox, I'm not your enemy here," Royce attempted at reasoning with the somewhat-hysterical Interpol Agent right before sighting some Siamese Cat Guards to which he called out to them and screamed, "helped me, please, I'm being chased by a mad-woman!" This in turn gained the nearby Guards attention whom then attempted to stop the Fox but were shot with bolts of electricity, stunning them as a result.

This went on for around more than 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) before sighting some objects only a Cooper could use, as to escape the crazed (and confused) Inspector before returning back home, therefore falsely lowering his guard.

Carmelita: "Running off to somewhere, are we?"

Royce: "Aw, crap! And I thought I got away from the crazy lady cop!" Royce accidentally said out loud, making the Interpol agent somewhat bewildered and surprised. "What do you want from me?! Chasing after me WON'T bring back the loss of your loved one, now leave me alone! I've had enough drama for the first few days, NOW GIVE ME A BREAK!" Royce attempted to reason only to yell in anger despite losing his patience with the Interpol Agent. Before knocking the Interpol Fox unconscious then for him to pick up the unconscious Vixen and put her onto the silky couch where "The Murray", Bentley and now Salim were sitting. "If anyone here has a problem, discuss it right now, cause I'm going to my room! I need some time to think." Royce told everyone as they were surprised when Carmelita was unconscious with one hit to the temple (which was usually her signature move) from this new human Cooper.

As 4-5 hours passed and Royce hadn't came out of their Master Bed-room, Bentley the Turtle began questioning Ashla as to how the duo met, how he has affected her and how much he has meant to her (to which Carmelita was just about waking up, to which she began listening in really closely), and other questions relating to the two.

Bentley: "How did you two meet, Ashla?"

Ashla: "I was on my usual patrol just looking for you guys, and here I am finding the human unconscious and lifeless on the floor in a nearby cave entrance with weird clothing. My first instinct was to kill the unknown being, but I thought he's kinda cute and that- THAT's how our relationship started. He even found a way to knock someone out whom has been under the influence of Hypnosis and make sure that they're alright when they wake up, but it hurts like, really, really bad."

Murray: "How bad, Ashla?"

Ashla: "A hit to the head with the hilt of one of my Arabic Scimitars, they're too effective and will incapacitate any opponent with a skillful jab to the head."

Carmelita: "Sounds painful alright."

Ashla: "Look at what the human dragged in, a Fox!"

Carmelita: "Not in the mood~"

Royce: "~ and neither am I, so let's ALL try to get along, and just get to know each other!"

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