Chapter 11: Day Number 2 In Ancient Arabia...

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The next day...

As it turned into the next morning, Royce was the first one to wake. Once he woke, Royce got out of the bed and looked around for breakfast. He had difficulty remembering what there was to eat since he arrived so he looked at the best "of his ability" to find anything that even resembled cabinets. "Alright, now where are the cabinets in this place?" Royce thought to himself as he began looking around. Then unknowingly to Royce, his girlfriend also woke up shortly after him.

Ashla: "Don't know where the stuff is, am I right? I mean I get it, it's just the second day and you haven't fully adjusted yet."

Royce: "Yeah, you're right, this is just the second day, I haven't fully adjusted to this life yet and honestly, I don't remember where everything is, or at."

Ashla: " *Yawn* OKay, look, the food is over here, so is the water and other things included. Got it now?"

Royce: "Got it, thank you, Ashla."

Ashla: "I'll always be there for you my little human; yep, it's official, I've definitely fallen for this person." Although he wasn't all there, she had developed feelings for this 21-year-old human. And with Royce now starting to develop feelings for the Siamese Cat Captain that rescued him from his tragic fate and demise.

Royce: "Ashla, Ashla are you there? Hello?" Royce tried getting Ashla's attention only to no avail, Royce then snapped his fingers resulting in the Captain snapping from her internal thinking processes.

Ashla: "Huh? You say something Sweetie?"

Royce: "Yes. What do you want for breakfast, Ashla; my Captain?"

Ashla: "Awe please, you're flattering me, OKay, I'll take some Scorpion Tails and some Cured Meat. Thank you."

Royce: "You're welcome, meat and Scorpion Tails coming up!" Royce said as he went down into the basement to grab at some of Ashlas' cured meat and Scorpions for Scorpion Tails, "There are the Scorpions but where's the cured meat?" Then Royce came to the conclusion that the cured meat wasn't down in the basement but in one of the cabinets Ashla told him about. "Very funny Ashla, any-who, time to gather the Scorpion Tails, better be careful though, these things don't look too friendly." before Royce even thought of at attempting to catch any scorpions, he looked around the basement for any usable objects that a Cooper could use, as did he find the same silky ropes that Ashla walked on to train him. He then began to walk the silk ropes, risking life and death before attempting to "grab" several scorpions using a net, after repeating this procedure several times, Royce then brought out a jar ,and released the scorpions into the jar before tightening the jar, ensuring that the scorpions wouldn't find their way out. "Alright, I hope this is enough scorpions for Ashla; man, I LOVE scorpions, too bad they can't be candied!" Royce said talking to himself as he then climbed his way back out of the basement and (Dante) Scorpion Nests.

Ashla: "I hope he hasn't gotten himself into trouble with those Dante Scorpions, those things and annoyingly dangerous, irritating, and tricky. Please don't die, please don't die, please don't die, I'll never forgive myself if he dies or gets hurt." Ashla said loudly to herself just near to the point of worry, fear and possible regret.

Royce: " 'Annoying' is ONE way of saying it, where I'm from Scorpions CAN and WILL KILL with just from sting but they make delicious candies, mainly being luxuries. So, what do I do with these Scorpions? Cut off the tails? That's it?"

Ashla: "That's pretty much it; by the way, perfect job, also, I'll admit, I'm TERRIBLE at gathering Dante Scorpion Tails let alone Scorpion Tails. I can chase after thieves, run errands and the sorts, but never scorpions, NEVER, nope! But thank you, you know I love you, right?"

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