Chapter 24: Earning Carmelita's Trust.

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After everyone had a good laugh (except Carmelita; whom only overlooked Royce and labeled him as "mistrustful", everyone began to settle down), Royce asked if he could spend "some time" with Ms.Fox to earn the Vixens trust to which Ashla said with a definite yes. To which Royce then "invited" Carmelita to come on out and explore Ancient Arabia with him without the fear of getting eviscerated, gassed, or punched around by the Guards of that era. Not to mention other aspects to not worry about.

Royce: "Just in case, bring your Shock Pistol, you never know when someone tries to lighten your purse, or when a newly-promoted local Captain and some of the patrolling Guards decide to pull something off on anyone they find suspicious." This in turn got the Inspectors attention and potentially her good side seeing that she LOVED having her favorite firearm at her side at all times.

Carmelita: "OKay 'Royce', I'll play along, just don't be pulling off anything funny, you hear me?!"

Royce: "Sheesh! I already heard you the first time. Now come on, time for me to give you a tour of my Third Day here in Ancient Arabia!"


Royce: "Technically... my wife lives here, she found me here after I was time traveled through my TV while playing some games, and here I am, animals that walk around like humans, err~ people, and here I am, in a desert..."

Carmelita: "... Rescued by a Guard whom is then revealed to be a Cooper after Ms.Decibel and Cyril Le Paradox are defeated?..."

Royce: "Well... ... not exactly... the revealing part wasn't until before I got to meet her Bosses. And let me tell you this... they apparently HATED Coopers! I learned that the hard way. That's also when I started to HATE that elephant: Ms.Decibel, when she hypnotized my girlfriend and have her attempt in killing me. Fortunately for me, I was ABLE to defend myself against her but the bad part was I had to subdue her by giving her a concussion that was so bad she became temporarily speech-impaired... " Royce explained to the Vixen as she started to feel sorry for the human and as he began to sob a little from the past three days worth of traumatizations.

Then something came up on Carmelita's mind: "Is Royce just using his 'raw emotions' to make us feel sympathetic, or is there something he's hiding and not telling?"

Carmelita: "Do you have any medical conditions, Royce, seeing that you're so easily traumatized?" Carmelita questioned the 21-year-old human wanting to extract more info from him.

Royce: "Epilepsy, seizures, uh~ that's just about it for traumatization, but there's more conditions I have that don't relate to having been traumatized, uh~ officer..."

Carmelita: "I see, Royce. I was wondering: Why're you~ I mean how~ never mind," then Ms.Fox came up with one of the many questions that made sense for her, "why did you ask your wife if you could have some time with me in touring the City of Ancient Arabia?"

Royce: "I told her: 'She has, err~ doesn't trust me with a Cooper, and yeah? So what if she's a Cooper?! She saved my life, that's more than the respect I can give her. For that, she earned my respect, she's beautiful, protective (if not overly-protective at times), quite the teacher, and is patient, and loving too, ect."

Carmelita: "Uh, pardon me? She's a Cooper, a thief! They steal from other thieves."

Royce: "So what! She saved my life, gave me mercy! Can't you reason with mercy, Officer?! She didn't commit any crimes. Now come on, there aren't, uh-o." Royce's reaction to seeing the newly promoted Siamese Cat Guard Captain along with several other Siamese Cat Guards in Company. Then two of the Siamese Cat Guards with the newly-promoted Siamese Cat Captain recognized Royce but not the Vixen.

Joy: "Hello Royce."

Vhel: "It's been a couple of days..."

Royce: "Hello you two, and yes, Vhel, it's been a couple of days."

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "What brings you aro~ who's the Fox lady? Royce? Aren't you supposed to be with Ashla?"

Royce: "There were these 'new-comers' that came around and need a place to relax, so she wanted me to give this fine lady a tour of the fine City of Ancient Arabia..."

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "I hope you two have the proof to prove this other-wise."

Royce: "Of course," Royce searched through his Arabia attire that Ashla sewed for him, "and... here... it... is..." Royce then brings out a paper with his wife's signature. Therefore allowing the two to freely explore the City without limitations then before giving the paper to Siamese Cat Guard 2.

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "Well... you two are clear to move along. And stay safe!"

Carmelita: " 'Stay safe?' What did she mean by that Royce?"

Royce: "The new Captain means that there has been a thing going around where sentient beings have began to lose their minds along with their sanity. At first... my wife thought it was just some Guards losing their bananas because of their stressful jobs, then..." Royce then begins yawning before passing out asleep to which Carmelita was aware enough to catch him and bring him home seeing how he was inconclusively unresponsive.

Carmelita: "Please don't tell me he's having a seizure, now, please." before proceeding to bring the man back home to his Siamese Cat wife.

Once Carmelita Montoya Fox brought the "unconscious" 21-year-old back from their "tour", everyone was shocked to seeing Royce lay motionless in Carmelita's arms. All except Ashla, seeing how he was, told the Cooper Gang that he's been resting heavily lately and shouldn't be disturbed until his sleep is complete.

Ashla: "In other words, somehow, he's been given a new medication where it'll reduce the effect of his tremors while also not affecting his other medicines."

Carmelita: "And where's this supplier?" Carmelita questions the Siamese Cat Guard as she skeptical.

Ashla: "Royce claims that it'd be from his home and present time and dimension."

Carmelita: "OKay then, I believe you, him? Not so much. But I only trust him enough that the Cooper Line will be safe and secure."

Ashla: "Hey Ms.Fox, put my husband on either the side of the love-seat you 3 were sitting on or in the Master Bed-room so he can recover while we talk business."

So Carmelita then carries Royce into his and Ashlas' Master Bed-room where Ashla oversees his sleeping and smiles before turning to Carmelita and said thank you. While the girls were conversing with each other, Bentley and Murray were pre-occupying themselves.

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