Chapter 9: Learning Ashla's Cooper Moves

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Ashla ordered Royce to leave the recently cleaned Silk-laden-ed bed, they then went outside where Royce was awestruck, looked like a First-Class's paradise. Place was littered with merchants, travelers, and people looking for products to purchase. 

Royce: "Soo... where do we start Human, err~ Cooper Training?"

Ashla: "Riiight... to the left, by the rock cliff, where that Silk rope's hanging, WATCH! OH, and then I'll show you the "Ropes" on the Siamese Balance; If you can at least climb this Silky Rope, then you're more than capable! And that'll mean you're ready!"

Royce: "OKay then, this SHOULD be easy," Royce then dashes towards the Rope and climbs the Silk rope with ease, "that was easy, next?"

Ashla: "Alright, you passed... so far," Ashla says as she jumps the sheer rock wall with ease, surprising Royce, "now, do this, and watch CLOSELY... one wrong move and WHAM your head cracks and shatters, like a glass jar!"

Royce: *Gulp!* "I'd better watch closely..."

Royce watches Ashla as she most elegantly and graciously walks the Silky tight-rope before starting her Siamese Balance technique.

Ashla: "I wonder if he's more than fit to marry me; a part-Siamese-Cooper, I wonder if he's even interested in me or... is he nervous about something and is hoping that I don't eviscerate him, just why or how does he tolerate me so easily? Just... what am I going to do, am I falling in love with this human?"

Royce: "Alright, one foot after the other," Royce says as he slowly takes his time with walking on the Silky ropes before slowly picking up speed.

Ashla: "He's doing great; I've never seen anyone do this well, unless... no, won't do that to my little human. He's too precious to me.~ Time to join him!" Ashla talks out loud before to join her soon-to-be human boyfriend.

Royce: "Uh... what do we do now, seeing that we are BOTH on the same tight-rope?"

Ashla: "Alright then, grab onto me and get ready for the ride cause where we're going for Cooper-Blend." Ashla tells the 21-year-old as he does what she says, grabbing onto her back before Royce was given a Lesson 101 on Invisibility which didn't seem physically possible. "I'd hate to say this but, no one knows whom you are, or that you're associated with me and that you are under my protection. So this will be the perfect chance for you to practice the Cooper-Blend; I'll put you in front of one of my guards, using my speed, it'll be quick so quick that'll be able to safely observe you from a distance while~"

Royce: "While I possibly get eviscerated if I don't turn invisible?! YOU'RE GONNA GET ME ALL SLICED AND DICED!! AND SEEING THAT IT IS STILL DAYTIME; I DON'T WANNA DIE ON MY FIRST DAY... with a very beautiful Cat, err~ woman such as yourself. Look, I'll do it BUT if ANY trouble comes then PLEASE come to my rescue, will you, love?"

Ashla: "Yes, that, and I love you too..." Ashla promised Royce if he ever got into trouble. 

Royce: "OKay then... please don't die, please don't die; it's gonna be alright!" Royce says to himself as he either awaits his death, or his possible rescue, Royce then intentionally crossed paths with one of Ashlas' other Siamese Cat Guard associates. With Royce passing along so innocently, he managed to get the Siamese Cat Guards' attention resulting in an engagement between the two, nearly shredded many times, avoiding the Guard's Arabic Scimitars with somewhat of ease. Before certain limbs were turning invisible, freaking both human and Siamese Cat Guard out.

Royce: "Ahh!!!" Royce yelled as his body started engulfing itself in invisibility and getting used to the Cooper-Blend Technique. "HA! looks like Ashla was right, so this is what Ashla's faith and encouragement feels like? I can get used to this. Now then, time for escape." Royce thought for the moment before realizing he was in a conflict with a Guard whom was looking frantically and rather confusingly as not seeing the intruder interrupting her patrol routines.

Ashla: "Where is he? I could've sworn he was there," then Ashla got the idea that the 21-year-old successfully managed to use her Cooper-Blend Technique; and to get out of an engagement with a Guard, "I never thought of using (the) Cooper-Blend Technique to escape conflict and avoid detection!" As Ashla was thinking of Royce's new successful usage of the new Moves he learned, she got spooked by an invisible tap on the back. "Ah! Who was that, who's there?!"

Royce: "Don't worry, Ashla, it's just me! Say, how long does this Cooper-Blend Technique last? Oh wait; never mind, I guess it only works and or wears off when you're~ I mean I'm in a direct-line of danger."

Ashla: "It's usually at-will thing. You want to go home, Sweetie? It's getting kind of late; the city's a totally different thing at night, that's also when the Cooper Gang is most active. Now then, tomorrow we'll, as in 'I' will hold of on you learning my last Cooper-Move; Cooper-Silence. Come on Royce, we must be going back before it gets really dark. Royce jumps off of the same Rope as Ashla and stumbles a little. Resulting in Ashla picking him up onto his feet and the two; Siamese Cat Guard and human, hold hands as they walk back to their home. Then all of a sudden, Royce thought it'd be funny to run past a Guard, running at full speed, strangely enough, the Guard's didn't hear nor notice his loud footsteps.

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