Chapter 36: Exploring the Forbidden Zone.

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Royce: "Carmelita," Royce then looks around the City for high places, ropes and what not Master Thief could use. "from what I see; it's best if we take the High Ground and to avoid as many Guards as possible. Oh, and one more thing, avoid getting hit as so to prevent possible infections. Trust me, I've seen where this leads to."

Carmelita: "I got more than enough Shock Pistol Ammo to ward off any attackers!"

Royce: "Stay off the streets, avoid contact with the Guards as you explore, shoot first and ask questions later. And your last resort is to reason with the Monsters, is that clear Carmelita?" Hearing this, Carmelita took this into reasoning. Seeing that he stayed here, in Ancient Arabia longer than her or the Cooper Gang.

Carmelita: "All right then, whatever you say Bossman. You make the rules. So, what do I need to do to safe?"

Royce: "Can you climb ropes or tightropes?"

Carmelita: No, but I can jump WAY higher than anyone, probably including you! That's IF you actually know me well."

Royce: "True, very true. I'll take your word for me."

Carmelita: "Are you doubting me? Cause I can prove it to you." The Vixen Interpol agent said, wanting to prove her point, seeing that she thought he was doubting her.

Royce: "Now is not a time to argue; stay safe, explore with me if you want, and I want you to return home and get back to Sly. You okay with that Carmelita."

Carmelita: "Yes," Carmelita said, agreeing with the human, "I'll stick close and use Stun Shots in the case of either of us gets into trouble. That, and I'd also promised Sly that you return home with me, that and your wife too."

Royce seemed flattered that the Cooper Gang even seemed somewhat interested in his well-being.

Royce: "Thanks? I'll take that as a somewhat interesting compliment."

After Royce was finished exploring the Forbidden Zone of Ancient Arabia, encountering some infected Guards and being escorted quickly out of the Zone by Carmelita.

What surprised Carmelita was the fact that she was being chased and not Royce.

Carmelita: "ROYCE!! We should go now!" Carmelita yelled for the 21-year-old's attention which resulted in him taking action and him following Carmelita out of the Zone as a result.

When the Infected Guards kept chasing the duo, Royce thought to take drastic measures, so he takes Carmelita's Shock Pistol and began shooting at the Infected Guards with accuracy, stunning the Guards long enough for Carmelita and Royce to quickly leave the Zone undetected, uninfected and unscathed.

Carmelita: "I- I will NEVER go back there ever again. NEVER ask me to go back there with you ever again. Oh, and give me my Pistol." Carmelita said as she snatched her Interpol-licensed firearm from Royce. Leaving her a bit tempered and stressed for the Vixen. A characteristic that was NEVER shown in any of her field work or operations.

Royce: "Look, please, I'm sorry..."

Hearing "I'm sorry" after someone screwed up, no matter how bad the situation is or was put her a bit at ease. Loosening any tension she has or had with the person of conflict.

Meanwhile, back at the house...

Ashla: "Hey Sweetie, I hope you had a fun time in the Forbidden Zone? No one infected? You and Ms.Fox bitten, cause I don't want this child to grow up fatherless. You hear me?"

Royce: "Yes, I understand."

Ashla: "Royce, it's getting very intense. Doctor says that the delivery will be soon..."

Royce: "WHAT!??! Oh boy..."

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