Chapter 42: Curing the Forbidden Zone's Population...

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"Carmelita won't like what?" Carmelita questioned Bentley as she was clueless to the cure of the Zombie virus outbreak in the Forbidden Zone.

Royce: "Bentley came up with a cure to the outbreak in the Forbidden Zone; problem is, he thinks the most effectiveness of his aerosol cure is to attract the most infected into a congregated area. In other words, bait..."

Carmelita: "Beeennnntleeeyyy!!!" Carmelita screams at the top of her lungs resulting in the baby crying from being woken up from her sleep. Therefore making Ashla angry and yelled at the Vixen, frightening Carmelita as a result.

Bentley: "Sorry Carmelita, but it's the only way to save the remaining infected population."

Ashla: "Listen here Carmelita, have another outburst and you will deal with me!! Got that?!" Ashla said with irritation. "Now then, deal with whatever problems you got with my husband and get out there and save my other colleagues!! I don't care how you do it; JUST DO IT! Now then, I have other problems to attend to."

Carmelita: "Yes ma'am," she said to the Siamese Cat Cooper before turning her attention to Bentley and Royce, "Bentley, I'm only doing this for the Ashla. Now why does this involve Royce and I?"

Royce: *Royce sighs* "Like Bentley said earlier, you'll be the bait, and I'll be handling the Cures. Say Bentley, how many aerosols of the Cure are there?"

Bentley: "With the amount of blood I was able to extract from Royce here, I was able to make more than 12 aerosol vials of the Cure. It's a just in case situation, you never know."

Sly: "Bentley, are you sure this is safe?" Sly questioned the turtle not sure on rather or not to trust the turtle.

Royce: "Sly, if you're concerned for Ms.Fox's safety then I'll just go alone..."

Everyone looked at the 21-year-old as he was about to need to cover nearly 12 miles in order to effectively wipe out this mysterious Zombie outbreak.

With Royce leaving the "safety" of his home, he walked the way towards the Forbidden Zone and to see many Infected Guards all over the place. Up, down, left and right.

Carmelita: "Hey you, wait up," Carmelita runs out of their home with Shock Pistol in hand and rushing towards Royce as to rejoin him, "look, sorry for the whole mistrusting thing and all. But I'm willing to help, even if I don't trust you to a certain degree."

Royce: "So... you have your own reasons for not trusting me anymore, and I WILL respect that. And I'm not going to do anything that will force you to make decisions."

Carmelita: "Thank you for being considerate, least I know Sly's ancestor and her kid will be in good hands."

Royce: "So, uh... we're cool? Even right?"

Carmelita: "Yes Royce, no more. Now let's get going."

Several minutes later...

Carmelita: "We're here," Carmelita said taking a moment to stop, "now then, time for me to act like bait, right, Royce? Royce?"

Royce: "Oh yes, wait, here take this," Royce then gives half (6) of the anti-zombie serum, "this is just in case you get overwhelmed. And let me see that," Royce takes Carmelita's Shock Pistol and makes "some" modifications with the serum and the Pistol, "now you can cure them from a distance if you don't feel like getting up close and personal."

Carmelita: "So a shot from this also cures an infected individual? Sounds sweet!"

Royce: "Yes, here," Royce puts an attachable scope onto Carmelita's Shock Pistol, "this should make ranged shots a tad bit easier. That, and if you don't feel like getting close to them to use the stuff, that's where you use the scope and anti-infection rounds to do what you need to do."

Carmelita: "Hey Royce," Royce looks towards the Vixen, "I thought you were alright, and if I don't come back, tell Sly that I've loved him."

Royce: "Don't say that! You'll come back alive, I know you will. Just... stay off the streets and stick to the rooftops. I'll see you when this is finished!"

Carmelita: "You too, I'll see you too. STAY SAFE!!"

As the duo finally reach the Forbidden Zone, the two split up and went to different places all over the Forbidden Zone as to cover as much ground as possible; and to cure as many infected individuals as possible.

Several hours later...

Royce and Carmelita meet back up to their last place before they departed, relieved to see that they both were intact and were well. No symptoms, nothing. Then the two left the Forbidden Zone and returned back to the house Ashla, Ashloy and the Cooper Gang we're residing in and doing who knows what.

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