Chapter 8: Spending Time With Ashla

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Once Ashla brought Royce and herself to her bedroom, she put Royce on the left side of the bed before throwing herself onto her bed as well. 4 hours later, Royce and Ashla wake up with Royce closely embraced within Ashla's arms, noticing this, Royce was getting real cozy with this Siamese Cat Captain, 

Royce: "Man, her fur is soo smooth, so cozy," Royce said as he then heard Ashla moaning before speaking to him.

Ashla: "You do know that I can hear you, right? Any-who, I'll take that as a compliment," the Siamese Cat Captain said as she began snuggling against the 21-year-old, holding him even tighter than before.

Royce: "Whom said I was talking to myself? I wouldn't care if I WAS talking to myself; I just think you're even cuter when you cuddle up against me like that; I'm starting to think that there might be more than a reason for you and I being in the same room, or you rescuing me from that desert..."

Ashla: "Yeah? And why do you think that is?"

Royce: "Honestly? That is your reason, not mine, but I WILL say this; you DO have my appreciation, and for once in a while, don't take this the wrong way but I kinda like you."

Ashla: "Hmm... I'd figures, why'd you think I winked at you? I found you somewhat attractive, and that's why I brought you in to live with me, even if you were strangely dressed."

Royce: "Yeah well, the reason to why I was 'strangely dressed' was where I come from it's usually either hot or cold and adapting to the environment was sometimes a challenge; I'm not used to being in a desert. But my life was 'somewhat' interesting, never found anyone I really liked then one day; yesterday, I got taken to this place, and I met you afterwards!" Royce explained to the Captain as she was now interested in Royce's back-story.   

Ashla: "Well, my back-story is, well I uh; do you want what happened before I met you?"

Royce: "Yeah, if you say so."

Ashla: "OKay then; well...  there was this elephant and skunk that took over and changed this entire city, and then that... that's how I became Captain of the Siamese Guard, I was just an explorer right before I decided to settle down; when I was young, my parents abandoned me and left me to the streets. There on the streets, it was either steal to survive, or die trying, then when I met this raccoon whom took me in as his sister. But I haven't seen him for some time, THAT, and I'm also part Cooper. So ironically, I'm technically chasing after my brother: Salim Al Kupar. ALL BECAUSE MY EMPLOYERS WANT HIS VALUABLE CANE!!" Ashla said before breaking down into crying, smothering her face into Royce's arm.

 Royce: "YOU'RE A COOPER," Royce asked with surprise, "That's... that's alright with me, that, and I think you're perfect the way you are; since you're part-Cooper, could you teach me some Cooper Moves? Like the Ninja Spire Landing? Or the Tightrope walk?"

Ashla: "Sure," Ashla kisses Royce on the right-side of his face, "since you appreciate me no matter what, I'd be more than happy to teach you MY unique set of Cooper Moves: Cooper-Blend; Cooper-Silence and the Running Siamese Balance." 

Royce: "Cooper-Blend? Cooper-Silence? And Running Siamese Balance? What type of Cooper Moves are those?"

Ashla: "Cooper-Blend is an Invisibility trick where absolutely no one can see you; Cooper-Silence is the ability to run by others and no one will be able to hear you, and Siamese Balance. Siamese Balance is one of the moves that I created when I was younger to always get away from people whom always had more money than those whom were poor or on the streets."

Royce: "Wow, who knew you had so much in your past? I mean seriously?! So much potential at such a young age. I never really was orphaned."

Ashla: "Well... let's get out of this bed you just cleaned and head outside for the beginning of Siamese-Cooper Training."

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