Chapter 19: Digging Up Old Memories...

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With Royce still receiving his back and shoulder massage, he began attempting to recollect some old memories. Only to result in serious pain from hidden and blocked memories, whatever he did recollect of memories, was little to no use to him. When Ashla noticed how her favorite human boyfriend soon to be husband was unresponsive, she decided to snap him out of his concentration.

Ashla: "ROYCE?! You there?! Hello," Ashla said as she began waving a hand left and right across Royce's face. Effectively waking him.

Royce: "Huh? You say something Ashla?"

Ashla: "Yes, I'm fine. But are you? You seemed a little 'spaced-out' when I tried talking to you, when you're this quiet it usually means you're doing something important. What were you doing?"

Royce: "Digging up old memories."

Ashla: "O...K...? Do you miss your old life before meeting me and this whole thing?"

Royce: "At times... but you know what I miss more than that?"

Ashla: "What?"

Royce: "Spending time with my favorite Captain: Ashla."

Ashla: "You," Ashla begins to get teary eyed, "you mean it?"

Royce: "Ashla, I mean it. Ever since I laid eyes on you, there's nothing I loved more than seeing the two of us together. Ashla... I love you." hearing those words made Ashla tear up even more as he just admitted his love for her before bringing out a ring he had of his high-school years. Ashla still thought that the ring had a nice shine, and getting on one knee and knelling "will you, Ashla Cooper; marry me, and become my wife: Ashla DeBarry Cooper?"

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