Chapter 44: Ashloy's First Words...

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While Carmelita was questioning Royce about his book and with Sly just entering and questioning the two, Bentley comes rushing in with wheelchair alongside with Murray.


Bentley: "ASHLOY, she spoke her first word you guys!"

Ashla: "Bentley, are you joking?!"

Bentley: "ABSOLUTELY NOT!! C'mon, see for yourselves!!"

Royce: "Do you know what she said, Bentley?!"

Both Siamese Cat Guard mother and human father asked the turtle in surprise and enjoyment at hearing news of their daughter speaking her first words. And that they couldn't wait to hear from her personally.

As soon as everyone entered Ashloy's room, the first thing she said as to seeing her mother and father were "Da-Da!" and trying to roll over and reach over him and failing. Making Ashla squeal in excitement hearing her child say "dad" made her happy as a result.

Royce: "Our child's First Words, what do you think of that, Ashla? Beautiful, isn't it?"

Ashla: "Precious, it's precious..."

Bentley: "I'm gonna record this for future referencing," Bentley says as he starts putting data into his computer, "I see a treasure-trove worth of potential in your child, both of you," then he looks over at the couple and asks if he could hold their child, "may I- may I hold her?"

Royce & Ashla: "Why not?" the two said agreeing with each other.

Bentley then picks up Ashloy with his robotic-arms and held her close to his face resulting in Ashla grabbing his glasses.


Royce: "Dude, our child just snatched your glasses from your face," the 21-year-old human explained to the turtle as he then removed Bentley's glasses from Ashloy's possession, and gave the glasses back to him, "I can see her already becoming a Cooper now! And you know what else Bentley?"

Bentley: "WHAT?!"

Royce: "Babies like to play with things that are close to them, probably including glasses."

With Royce's statement being said, everyone laughed, including Bentley, whom was the most surprised. Seeing that later into the future he'll need to start "Baby-proofing" his science gear, field-equipment and whatnot.

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