Chapter 28: Relaxing with Carmelita.

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Royce: "So then, how did you like MY Ancient Arabia, Ms.Fox?"

Carmelita: "Huh, what," Carmelita said confused, and while not paying attention to Royce, "you say something Royce?"

Royce: "Yes..."

Carmelita: "Well now I'm listening, go on."

Royce: "Did you like MY Ancient Arabia, Carmelita, like, without the Guards trying to attempt at harming you or anything like that?"

Carmelita: "Eh, it was more than interesting than the last time I was here, I'll admit that! At least, without getting eviscerated, shot at, or sprayed. And I'm not going to lie, I NEVER saw anything forbidden in Ancient Arabia, let alone heard of!"

Royce: "It seems as if you enjoyed it, am I right?"

Carmelita: "Yeah, I guess it was alright. Now then, what do you do around here when everything around here is done, since it's just you and I? Not to mention that I owe it to you for chasing you half-way cross this place, might as well owe you a favor, right?" this being said from Carmelita made the 21-year-old feel very uncomfortable.

Royce: "I got an idea while we 'wait' for my wife and the Cooper Gang to return: we just play a couple games while they are gone? I got a couple games that are Multi-player, up for a challenge?"

Carmelita: "What you got? It's been a while since I've played a good game."

Royce: "What's that suppose to mean?!" Royce said, taking insult to Carmelita's remark.

Carmelita: "Never mind. Just what do you have?"

Royce then begins looking through the make-shift coconut wood container he built (it was small; 35 games) and finds his Sly Cooper series games, several Call of Duty games, Heroes over Europe, The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, the Ratchet and Clank Series, Monster Hunter: World, Dead Island and Dead Island: Riptide, Minecraft (for PS3 and PS4), Air Conflicts: Vietnam, LEGO: Jurassic World (PS3) and LEGO: Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

These many choices got Carmelita so pent up that she eventually (and frustratingly) left the room before returning and asking where the music player was (choice, model and type is all yours) and saw lots of choices, one of them being her personal favorites: Neil Diamond: Carmelita's Eyes.

Royce: "You like Neil Diamond: Carmelita's Eyes? That's alright, cool with me! Do you know what game you want to play yet?"

Carmelita: "No, not yet. There are just so many choices! What about you, do you have one, Royce?"

Royce: "How about 'The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon'? I found it to be an awesome game when I first bought it!"

Carmelita heard the word "Dragon" and immediately became curious as to what the game was about.

Carmelita: "What is this The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon game? It's gotten me really interested."

Royce got to thinking, trying to explain to the former Inspector of Interpol as she was a cop before trying to explain the situation and comparing to Sly and her relationship with each other.

Royce: "Think of it as first; an invasion on a settlement where generations are hatched, then smashed by an evil Dragon. All except 2: the hero and the antagonist: Spyro and Cynder. Spyro is raised by Dragonflies..."

Carmelita: "Wait! Dragonflies?!"

Royce: "Shush...  while Cynder was forced and brainwashed by her new Master: Malefor/ The Dark Master and as his First-In-Command and helped destined to rule the Dragon Realms and help release her Master from imprisonment; succeeding along the way, then comes Spyro as he later undoes Cynder's doing and the two long time later fight to the bitter end where Spyro eventually wins due to unlocking new powers and defeats The Terror of The Skies: Cynder but realizes that's she was just a child like him and decides to take her with him..."

Carmelita: "Wait a minute... she's evil so why is he taking her in with him?!"

Royce: "I forgot to mention that she was twisted with evil that forced her to grow was faster than a normal Dragoness or Dragon. But other that, the two later arrived back at that settlement, rebuilt. And several many years later (Dawn of The Dragon) both Dragon and Dragoness have feeling for each other (as they were in their teenage years) and want to destroy Malefor: The Dark Master. After fending off invasions, giant golems, and learning to cooperate with their pasts, the two eventually reach their target: Malefor, whom was now..."

Carmelita: "Can we play the game now?! I want to play it!"

Royce: "OKay, okay!!" Royce unplugs his PS4 and plugs his PS3 in, "and where is it," he mumbles as he then finds it, "oh yeah, here it is!" before inserting The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of The Dragon and immediately arriving to the main menu. Royce then selects "New Game" before starting up the cinematic as him and Carmelita began watching the  first cut-scenes to the first part of the game.

Once the cut-scene was over, Carmelita began experimenting with Cynder (seeing that she was the most powerful character; according to Royce's tastes) and was able to dispatch multiple with her mostly used Shadow Fire as she continued assisting Royce assuming that she thought that Royce was "more experienced" than she was. And the two continued all the way until the Cooper Gang and Sly came back safely from Ancient Egypt and with Royce's wife coming back from her 12-hour shift.

Ashla: "Hmm... It seems as though you were able to keep my husband safe, thank you very much Ms.Fox. You have my appreciations."

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