Chapter 38: Introducing a New Cooper to the Cooper Gang...

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As Royce stayed over-night with his wife and new-born child. The Doctor told him that him, and his wife that they (along with Ashloy) that they could leave the hospital and return back to normal.

Ashla: "That... Was... UNBEARABLE!!"

Royce: "Usually Humans would wheelchair the women that had just given birth. But seeing how they aren't around, I have to carry you and Ashloy."


Royce: "No, sweety," Royce tried to come up with a quick comment, "just saying that carrying my wife AND my baby is a lot and things are happening quickly right now. Sorry." This being said, Ashla quickly cooled her temper.

Once Royce quickly (and safely) carried his wife and Ashloy back to their home, the Cooper Gang was more than happy to see the two and the new Cooper, except Carmelita.

Ashla took the child from Royce, from which he didn't care and handed Ashloy to Carmelita, this made Carmelita nervous. So much that her hands began shaking but holding the child was more than enough to warm her heart and erase her stress and anxiety.

Bentley, took EXTREME interest in the Human-Siamese-Cooper mix, he wanted to see the child because of her uniqueness. And he wanted to study the child.

Murray was next, he looked looked at his niece as he held her in his muscular arms (some would say just holding someone would mean certain death or doom) but Royce knew that underneath all that muscle was a giant teddy bear and watch The Murray nearly fall apart in tears from holding the new born Raccoon.

Sly, he was the last one. Sly held Ashloy like Royce would have, raw emotion: happiness, glad to see (and hold) one of his ancestors in his hands. Even if his ancestor was part-Cooper, it still meant something to him to hold a child. A time in which he hope Ashloy parents won't be taken from her, just like his parents were taken from him when he was young.

Murray: "Royce..."

Royce turns around.

Royce: "Yeah, big guy?"

Murray: "What's the kids name?"

Royce: "Her name is Ashloy."

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