Chapter 26: Carmelita & The Gang watch over Royce

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Ashla: "You three..., Bentley and, Murray, right? Will you three look after my husband while I'm gone? Oh, and tell Miss Carmelita that I'm sorry about earlier."

Bentley: "Of course Mrs.DeBarry, the Gang here and I will watch over your beloved husband. Now then, do you have any concerns or anything to tell you before you head out towards work?"

Murray: "How long will Ashla be gone?" The Murray begs to question the female Captain as Carmelita answers the ignorant hippo.

Carmelita: "She's a Guard. She usually works for... I really don't know Murray..." then for Royce to answer for the hippo and fox.

Royce: "She's usually gone for around 10 to 12 hours in a day. Trust me. You get to know this the more you live here in this sand pit." Royce told the remaining Cooper Gang members. That was before Ashla then left to go back to her job.

Carmelita: "Sooo... Royce? What do you do here since you've been what, stranded? Do you ever wish you could return home? Like any of that?"

Bentley: "Now that you also mention it Carmelita, you also got me curious about the boy?"

Murray: "Yeah, Royce, what do you do for fun around here? There looks like not much around here!"

Royce: "Eh... not much. There's the reading, writing, play video games, prepare for the up-coming Cooper that should come into the world, clean what-ever there needs to be cleaned around the house, re-stock the food and water, order more prescriptions, music, sleep, and there are a lot of others.... Other than that, 'Fun' and other things are, I dunno unpredictable. Especially when your wife wants a child and you have to eventually give it to her."

Carmelita: "So you're delaying her of what she wants?" Carmelita questions the 21-year-old resulting in offending him.

Royce: "WATCH IT FOXY! IF IT WASN'T FOR HER~ I'D BE DEAD IN THE DESERT SEVERAL DAYS AGO! All I can say is she makes life somewhat MORE tolerable, especially in the (sometimes) intense heat! We've been talking and I say 'why not'. Now then, I'm going to explore the City once more (grabs some coffee that his wife prepared him and drank it) and I'd like someone to be at my side. Anyone up?" Bentley and Murray then look back towards Carmelita whom begins to blush for some unknown reason.

Carmelita: "What? Why are you two looking at me like that?" Carmelita then thought to before when Carmelita was escorting the 21-year-old. "Oh... that, why does it have to be me?!"

Bentley: "Because you've been around the farthest so far, not us. And apparently he trust you."

Carmelita: "Fine! But if he 'faints' again... never mind. Royce, you ready?"

Royce: "Hold on Ms.Fox, let me get my Desert Gear and I'll be ready!"

Once Royce retrieved his Desert Gear his wife made him during their first 2 days they knew each other and confessed their love, Royce came to see a stunned Carmelita whom was also surprised but nothing-the-less remained professional before exiting the house.

Carmelita: "So, how are you feeling after your 'sleep'?"

Royce: "Well... I just drank me some coffee (a lot) and I feel like I could tackle any obstacle!" he said as there was minor twitching from the excessive caffeine intake.

Carmelita: "Guys, I think that we ALL shall watch over this frail little human. Probably be safer that way too."

Murray: "Carmelita's right, Bentley," Murray said agreeing with the Interpol Vixen, "The Murray approves!"

Bentley: "Fine," Bentley announced as he gave into peer pressure and decided to join in with the Hippo and Vixen. "I'm only joining you two is because this man here seems to know a lot of the Cooper Gang's history, and that's got me curious."

Royce: "Well thanks, anyways, the thing is the Guards have only seen with me. So... stay vigilant! And let me deal with any of the Guards that try to instigate a chase with you two, alright?"

Murray: "Definitely! The Murray is always ready," The Murray puts his fists together making a smacking sound, "what about you, Bentley?!"

Bentley: "Why not? It just gives me more time to study this 'Human' specimen and see what and how he knows the Cooper Gang's history. Oh, I got an idea to prove he definitely knows our Gang's history: What was our First Heist Ever?"

Royce: "Stealing Ms.Puffin's Cookie jar from her office." this left Bentley awestruck and somewhat shocked. "I'll give you guys a tip on finding the Cooper: It's somewhere else sandy, and most likely the origin of the Thievius Raccoonus."

Bentley: "EGYPT! SLY'S IN ANCIENT EGYPT!" Bentley yelled out of excitement. "Murray, with me. Carmelita, you continue helping Royce and Ashla with whatever and if Sly sees you with him; I'll tell him that 'he was the one that lead us to finding you, okay Carmelita?" Bentley asked the now surprised and excited Ms.Fox.

Carmelita: "Okay, Bentley. Tell Sly I said 'Hi' and sorry I wasn't there with the Gang." Carmelita said to Bentley as Bentley and Murray headed back to their old Ancient Arabic hideout where the van was and headed to Ancient Egypt through unknown means.

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