Chapter 29: Sly Cooper and Ashla Returns! 2 Disasters In One...

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As soon as Ashla returns from her 12-hour shift and Sly Cooper is recovered from said Ancient Egypt; Carmelita leaves Royce to check up on her extremely parched, dehydrated and somewhat sickened Cooper boyfriend while Royce saved their The Legend of Spyro game and turned off the PS3 console and began interacting with his wife whom looked more than happy to see him.

Ashla: "I see you enjoyed the Gang's company? They kept you in good health?"

Royce: "The Cooper Gang left, but the Turtle told the Fox to watch and hang out with me, and I hung out with Ms.Fox! She really enjoyed playing The Legend of Spyro! How about you Ashla, you doing alright?" Royce tells his wife as he then applies a hand onto his wife's head, noticing it was a tad bit warm, "Please tell me she isn't running a fever, please," Royce hoped as he ran into the kitchen looking for the med-kit Cyril gave the Guards while Ms.Decibel reigned before being defeated by Sly and him.

Royce searched for a thermometer, found it and cleaned (sanitized) the metal tip before bringing the med-kit and thermometer and wanting Ashla to open her mouth so he can start to check her temperature.

Royce: "Mouth, open," Royce tells his wife as he applies a tongue depressor onto her tongue before sticking the thermometer underneath her tongue which ended up being 98.9 Degrees. Making Royce feeling somewhat concerned as his wife was somewhat very warm and was becoming somewhat confused and unresponsive to his responses, questions and commands.

Even going as far as Ashla lashing out at her husband, pain in her abdominal area, becoming mentally confused (just like Royce), severe irritability and worse.

This being said, Carmelita noticed or rather heard noises of Ashla yelling and becoming aggressive towards Royce to which she left her "boyfriend's" side and wanted to intervene but Bentley insisted that he'd break the trouble-up and see what was going on. So Bentley went into the Living Room only to see Ashla screaming and yelling at Royce, being somewhat delusional (mental confusion), highly irritable and attempting at lash out at her mate (which Royce found terrifying, seeing that he was also married to a predator that was more than capable of killing him with ease).

Just as Royce tried reasoning with Ashla (whom was being unreasonable) and wasn't reasoning with her husband and responded with even more hostility, Bentley decided to sleep dart the aggressive, feverish Siamese Captain wife as to save Royce's as well as the Gang's lives.

As a result, Ashla was subdued by Bentley which earned a "Thank You" look from Royce which left him confused as to why the sudden mood change, and irritability and fever and whatnot.

Sly Cooper on the other hand was faring far worse than Ashla (Cooper), he was so parched, exhausted, dehydrated, and mentally exhausted that he couldn't even speak, let alone say a word. Royce saw this and grabbed electrolytes (mostly salt) and several buckets of water for the Cooper. Hoping that this was more than enough to help him recover.

This recovery process for Sly Cooper took more than several, on the other hand, Ashla slept through the entire day as it was a close call from becoming a nasty domestic disturbance.

Meanwhile with Sly Cooper...

Sly Cooper: "Hey Murray... where's Bentley and Carmelita? Oh, there she is!"

Carmelita: "Bentley went to help out a friend: our informant: the guy that helped find you: Royce DeBarry. He gave us a tip and said you were in Ancient Egypt."

Sly's eyes went wide then calmed as it all began to sink in, knowing that everything was safe and had a reliable person and someone was watching his back.

Sly Cooper: "Where is Royce? I need to take to him. I also have to thank him for defeating Ms.Decibel and finding me."

Carmelita: "He's busy with a busy problem and most likely aggressively Cooper right now, but don't worry, Bentley is helping him!"

Sly Cooper: "Thank's for the information, Carmelita. You know, my time in Egypt made me realize something: Nothing is gone until it's really gone!"

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