Chapter 35: Going To the Forbidden Zone.

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While Royce was putting away groceries...

Royce: "I need to clear my mind after I'm done putting these groceries away. And I hope Ashla is okay with me doing that," Royce was talking to himself as he finished putting away all the food-stuffs and without realizing it. "dang, I finished putting the stuff away quickly?! I'm so good."

Once Royce was finished putting the groceries away, he asked his wife if he could go outside and get some "fresh air" and asked Carmelita if she wanted to join him (that and Ashla said she could).

Royce: "Hey Carmelita, Care to join me on another walk?"

Carmelita: "Hold on Royce, I'll need to talk to Sly about something..."

Meanwhile with Sly and Carmelita...

Sly: "I see you've had a lovely day exploring Arabia, right Carmelita?"

Carmelita: "Yes Ringtail, what's with the suspicious tone of voice?" Carmelita asked her boyfriend whom only crossed his arms.

Sly: "I'm just curious, why do you hang around~ I mean why does he want you to always be around?"

Carmelita: "Sly you DO realize that 1. One of your ancestors is pregnant. 2. He's been through a lot in the past 4 days now. And 3. He asked specifically me because I'm an Interpol Agent. That's why he wants me around, to assure of safety, Sly. Now then, Royce needs something and I must attend to it while you can help your ancestor with whatever she needs." Carmelita said with the authority she hasn't used since during the Cop and Robber days (and this intimidated Sly a bit).

Back with Royce...

Royce: "Is there something I need to know? Or is it between you and Cooper, Ms.Fox?"

Carmelita: "Please... don't ask me again. I don't want to talk about it."

Royce: "All right, go get your firearm," Royce told the Vixen as she went to the counter and grabbed it off the spot, knowing what this meant. Putting a smile on her face "I have a feeling you're going to need it!" Carmelita didn't think too much. Only knowing that she might actually need it.

Meanwhile while walking...

Vhel: "Hello there, Royce, Miss Carmelita... what do you plan on doing of today?" Vhel then noticed Carmelita possessing her Shock Pistol. "Going somewhere dangerously foreign I assume?"

Royce: "Yeah..." Royce then approaches the Siamese Cat Guard and whispers into her ear, "we're going into the Forbidden Zone. Care to join, Vhel?"

Vhel then whispers back to the 21-year-old human.

Vhel: "Sorry Royce, but I'm going to decline... bye!" And like that, Vhel left the Human and Vixen. Leaving Carmelita confused as to what Royce and Vhel conversing about.

Carmelita: "What was that about? And is there something I should know?"

Royce: "Just asking her if Vhel cared enough to escort us to the Forbidden Zone."


Royce: "1. Curiosity. 2. I need to get to know more of this City. And 3. Hone my skills thanks to you being here."

Carmelita: "Fine. You make it sound like we have some sort of Cop versus Robbers relationship..."

Royce: "Whoa, whoa!! That's the relationship my wife and I share, not you and me. That's a relationship you and Sly Cooper share. Now then, we're almost there. But just as a warning and a precaution; Ashla has told me that these turned beings have some intelligence and are capable of using weapons and their bites are infectious. So whatever you do, DON'T GET BIT OR INFECTED."

Carmelita: "So— you're telling me these things are somewhat intelligent zombies that are capable of using weapons and are HIGHLY infectious and you're done for?"

Royce: "That about sums it up; no physical contact. And that Shock Pistol, there is a reason as to why I told you to bring it; do you want to know why?"

Carmelita: "No, I don't want to know. I know quite a bit about electricity, thank you."

Royce: "Well... did you know that electricity is such a strong enough force (of nature) that organic and non-organic materials could be fried from the inside out?"

Carmelita: "Only if you have the improper amount of voltages, amps, Ohms and Watts, right?"

But before Royce could answer the Vixen (Fox), the reaches the outskirts of the Forbidden Zone with Carmelita being nervous.

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