Chapter 47: Where is Royce?

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After Royce, Tosha and JD take some time into slaying the Barioth (beast), Tosha and JD began celebrating over their victory. Only to notice that Royce wasn't around.

JD: "Where is Royce? He was just here!"

Tosha: "I dunno JD, but at least the City is safe. We'll report back to the Captain and see if he's there." Tosha told JD as the two walked all the way back to the Captain's house.

Back at Ashla's house...

Ashla: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ROYCE HAS GONE MISSING?! He was just with you!!"

Tosha: "I'm sorry Captain, but it's like he disappeared! Doesn't exist anymore!"

JD: "I assure you, Captain, he was beside us."

Ashla though about this long and hard, she could sense where Royce was if he was using his Invisible Cooper Technique. But first she had to attend to her daughter: Ashloy, before making finding her husband a priority.

After such unfruitful attempts at sending search parties, hoping to yield results, Ashla resorted to needing help from the Cooper Gang. Mainly from Bentley.

Bentley: "What do you mean; the Guards can't find him? He has to be somewhere. Hmm... I got an idea," Bentley says as he begins quickly and efficiently gather some materials into making some heat-detecting gear (a face-mask with IR [Infra-red] / Thermal capabilities), "In the case he IS invisible, this should help you in the ability of finding Royce. It'll also recognize your husband's heat-signature and differentiate heat-signatures."

Ashla: "Who is going to take care of Ashloy while I'm searching Arabia for Royce?"

Bentley: "Carmelita, go with Ashla. The Gang and I will watch over the child, oh, and here's a spare Thermal Mask I made. Both are custom-made to fit your faces."

Carmelita & Ashla: "Thanks."

Once the duo received their Thermal Masks, they went outside and split up in order to find where the 21-year-old was "hiding" and, or went off to.

After an hour of fruitlessly searching, Carmelita manages to find a pair of 9 1/2 foot-prints with heat-signatures belonging to Royce. Once she managed to find some foot-prints, she followed them until they suddenly and abruptly disappeared along the path she was trailing.

Carmelita: "Ashla, I got news, but you're not going to like this. You better get over here." Carmelita said over her binococum channel while talking to Ashla.

Several hours later...

After a bit of arguing between Ashla and Carmelita over the "Blame Game", Ashla couldn't believe what she was starting to think: she was doubting herself, she thought Royce actually loved her, that he wanted a family with her.

She instead shook the doubts out of her head. She knew for a fact that Royce really did care for her and his family. The only question is: why. And where did Royce go.

Ashla: "Where is Royce? Why did he leave? Why, is this a trick?"

10 Years Later...

To Be Continued ...

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