Chapter 21: News? Oh boy...

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When Royce entered his house, trying to be as quiet as possible before silently closing the door. Only to notice his wife sitting in a table across from another room.

Ashla: "Soo... what have you been doin' since I've been asleep? Up and at em, unprotected, and exploring the city? What do you think you're doing, and what're you thinking?!"

Royce: "Exploring the City and savoring the view? I swear, that's all I was doing; then all of a sudden, this purple-raccoon came up to see me and we talked, THAT'S IT!"

Ashla: "Hmm... Royce, there're some things that I also need to tell you."

Royce: "What is it? Do I get my own Cane? That'd be cool!"

Ashla: "Well... ... sorta... CAPTAIN!" Ashla called for her new Captain whom was currently in the house assisting the main head of the Siamese Guard.

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Yes, Ashla?"

Ashla: "At ease, Captain." Siamese Cat Guard 1 eases up before the head Captain before receiving her orders, "Captain, can you go and fetch my 3 old family heirlooms? Please?" Siamese Cat Guard 1 then goes into a secret compartment in the Master Bedroom, only to get 3 Canes; 2 small but moderate-sized Canes for hand-to-hand combat and 1 normal-sized Cane with an Arabic Scimitar on the opposite end.

Royce: "'Family Heirlooms'? Is it THIS serious? Oh boy." Royce thought to himself as things just got real and as he waited until he received one of the three Family Heirlooms brought before Ashla and him. "Ashla, what are these?"

Ashla: "They are my most valued possessions right before Cyril and Ms.Decibel came in and began establishing their base of operations here in our City. Before them, I became a Cooper to capture other thieves instead of my ancestors before Salim and I. But once the skunk and elephant arrived, more money meant more thieves, unfortunately my brother also wanted a piece of the action as he used to say before we went our separate ways."

Royce: "Speaking of Salim: When I went outside (without a protective escort), and wanted to get a beautiful view of the City (it was totally breath-taking), as I watching the City from above, this being whom began questioning me turned out to be your brother: Salim Al Kapur! And he wondered whatever happened to his sister. So I told him that I'd decide if he could come over or not tomorrow," Royce says as he grabs the now inherited twin-scimitar Cooper canes. "Now if I was to let your brother into our house, I'd like to know if you'd be okay with him coming over for a visit. Are you OKay, my beautiful little kitty?"

Ashla: "I would be fine with having my brother come over for a visit. Question is: would you? You made the call on deciding, not me."

Royce: "Well... yeah! He seems pretty decent enough~"

Ashla: "Yeah, he does. He's usually well-behaved, unless someone threatens him, his family, or if he doesn't get enough sleep, in that case he becomes VERY grumpy."

3 Hours Later, at night...  

After Royce and Ashla finish their conversation... Ashla and Royce decide to "hang-out" and play some video games before Ashla went back to the awkward conversation of her wanting a child and for them to start raising a family; Royce only responded with a silence Ashla knew too well. But eventually told Ashla that he'd be more than happy to start a family with his new wife. Spending the rest of the night snuggling together before ending Royce's Second day and night in Ancient Arabia.

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