Chapter 12: Meeting Ashla's Bosses.

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This time Ashla wakes up and makes breakfast instead of Royce, instead of eating cured meat and scorpions, she just ate cured meat. She already made the 21-year-old some breakfast as he just began to wake up.

Ashla: "Good morning, my little human,"

Royce: " *Yawn* Good morning to you too, Love; anything important for the day?"

Ashla: "In fact there is, you see, today I got to go to a meeting to see both my bosses, remember: the skunk and the elephant?"

Royce: "Yes, of course, the ones that came here recently?"

Ashla: "Those are the ones, now then, the only Guards that (are to) attend to the Bosses meetings are Siamese Cats, reason to why is because the Mandrills and Komodo Dragons lack any mentality so only us Cats are allowed to attend this meeting, care to join me, Honey?"

Royce: "Sure, why not?! I mean I'd enjoy to accompany you!"

Ashla: "Get ready then; then we'll be ready, oh, and the other Cats will be waiting so DON'T take too long, the girls tend to get impatient." Ashla tells her boyfriend as she dons her Duty Bed-lan. Surprising Royce once he changed clothes once more.

Royce: "OKay, I'm ready, let's get this started." Royce said enthusiastically as the two then headed outside and into her bosses' palace, before Ashla began reassuring the situation to him.

Ashla: "Just in case I haven't told you; my bosses HATE Cooper's, so doing 'anything Cooper-like' will and I mean WILL get you killed and believe you me, I do not want you to die, since seeing that you have absolutely NO combat potential or skill; now please, act modest, just like when you're around me, please." The Captain begged Royce as he only nodded in response. Nervous about her bosses' reactions, she attempted to remain optimistic as the two then entered the palace alongside several other Siamese Cat Guards.

As the human entered with his Cat Captain, he immediately looked around the interior and saw a piece of silky fabric hanging from a very large metal beam. So Royce then decided to climb the silky without trying to draw any attention from the Guards, his girlfriend, or her girlfriends' bosses then Ashla saw him using the moves she taught him. But then ignored the fact that he was now playing a dangerous game of life or death.

Le Paradox: "Now then, I see that everyone here is present, no?"

Ms. Decibel: "Alright then you Cats; Captain, anything unusual in the past couple days, other than failing at attempting to capture the Cooper Gang?"

Ashla: "Yes...? In fact I have, I've met someone interesting," Ashla told the elephant and the skunk.

Ms. Decibel: "Oh, so splendid! Whom is this special someone you're seeing and where is he?

Ashla: "Umm... up there?" Ashla said, pointing upward towards the being suspending on a metal beam, watching from above.

Ms. Decibel: "In what abomination is that, it's furless and bald!"

Le Paradox: "It's a Cooper, Guards, kill it!" the skunk ordered, only to earn a concerned reaction from the Siamese Cat Captain.

Ashla: "NOO...! I'll~ I'll get him, he's with me," Ashla says as she then uses the same rope that Royce used to climb up to the palaces' upper level. As Ashla managed to reach him, she approached the unsuspecting boy but didn't give her too much of a fight as Ashla then jumped down from the metal bar with Royce in. In turn surprised her bosses to which also left them confused as to how she was capable of moves and what this "boyfriend" of her's was and is. "Please, don't take him away from me..."

Le Paradox: "He's a Cooper; he must be! Guards, take the pip-squeak away from the Captain."

Royce: "What did I ever do to deserve this? Besides being an excellent climber? Huh? I don't deserve this!"

Le Paradox: "You're a Cooper..."

Royce: "And you're an idiot, a Cooper is a Raccoon, not a human, I am a human, I just happen to get stuck here and I don't even wanna be! I WAS JUST PLAYING VIDEO GAMES AND MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS AND ALL OF A SUDDEN; HERE I AM, IN THIS SAND PIT," Royce screamed at the top of his lungs with his face turning a tomato-color red showing how annoyed and irritated at how his life was about to go Topsy-turey. Le Paradox, getting annoyed by this pip-squeaks yelling decided to "give him a chance" to explain himself.

Only for the Siamese Cat Captain to begin speaking for him already. As Ashla was explaining the whole story of how Royce and her met, only to have Royce also gave his side of the story which seen to interest the skunk and elephant. "... and that's how I ended up here with my new beautiful girlfriend whom decided to give me a chance."

Ms. Decibel: "Really? So you're saying one of our guards said she was an explorer and took you in? And saved your life?"

Royce: "Uh-huh. She took me in and treated me as one of her own and took me in."

Le Paradox: "So... what have you learned from our Captain since your arrival and stay with the Captain? Does she possess any secrets that we don't know about?" Le Paradox asks as Ashla looks at her boyfriend with worry and concern, fortunately for Royce, he noticed his girlfriend's facial expressions.

Royce: "Nothing, besides having a nest with the MOST aggressive scorpions; the Dante Scorpions in the basement and a DEFINITE love for salted meats, there really isn't anything about her I know," Royce lied to the skunk sounding as convincing as possible.

Ms. Decibel: "This is a girls meeting Captain, please ask your 'boyfriend' to leave."

Le Paradox: "Ma Cherie, it's obvious that the Captain surely cares for the pip-squeak as is the same for the pip-squeak for the Captain. Let our little guest stay."

Ms. Decibel "OKay Cyril, the boy can stay, but if causes ANY trouble, I'll let the Guards tear him apart!"

Ashla: "That won't happen Ms. Decibel, Le Paradox, he is the most well behaved person I've ever seen or witness, THAT and he thinks highly of me."

Ms. Decibel: "Is that so?"

Ashla: "Yes, of course, when I first met him and he woke up, he offered to help me. That is all I'll say."

Le Paradox: "OKay then, pip-squeak, as long as you are on good-terms with the Captain, you're on good-terms with Ms. Decibel and I, do you understand?" the skunk asked as Royce nodded in response. "Good."

After the meeting...

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