Chapter 15: Taking Care of Ashla, Part 1

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As Royce came in with 2 other Guards, he saw the condition that his girlfriend wasn't improving one bit, this in turn even shocked the other Guards that Royce brought in as escorts.

Royce: "Here you two ladies go, just as the Captain requested, ask her yourself."

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Surely, Captain, did you request 2 Guards? Are you alright?"

Royce: "No, she is going to be opposite of okay; she turned against me at the Meeting; she wouldn't quit attempting to attack me and the only way I could've ended it was to catch her off-guard and get at one of her Scimitars and I had to..." Royce grabs one of Ashla's nearby Arabic Scimitars, "... hit her hard enough here," pointing into the middle of his head with the hilt of the Arabic Scimitar, "... to knock her unconscious and uh, this is the ending result." 

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "OKay, other than that, why're we really here?"

Royce: "I need you two to help take care of my girlfriend while I am to take her place as Captain until she fully recovers. That includes: feeding, grooming, drinks and gathering Dante Scorpions from the Scorpion Nests down below in the basement." Royce then went to his girlfriend and asked for permission to be Captain, only to be denied the rank of Captain.

Ashla: "No... Royce, need... here... me, train one as Cooper... promote her... to Captain."

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "I get a promotion?!"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Me?! Getting to learn how to be a Cooper?! Nope, not doing it!"

Royce: "We aren't Coopers, it's just 1 move; you'll just need to learn how to walk on ropes!"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Sure... like I'm to believe that!"

Royce: "OKay then, follow me, time for your training, that's an order," Royce demanded as the first Siamese Cat Guard then began to follow Royce into the basement.

Meanwhile, in the basement...  

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Yep! This is the basement alright, and the Scorpions? They're down there, in the pit across this rope?"

Royce: "You're right. We'll need to get on this rope and I'll begin to teach you the basics. Watch, and just for advice, you'll need good if not perfect balance." Royce told Siamese Cat Guard 1 as he then demonstrated to the Siamese Cat Guard Cooper in training. As Royce was now on the Silk rope, Siamese Cat Guard 1 nervously followed after Royce, slowly learning to walk the rope with success.

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Hey... this, this is awesome! Is it this easy to be a Cooper?" Siamese Cat Guard 1 said to Royce whom was too focused on teaching the Siamese Cat despite also balancing over a pit of Dante Scorpions.

Royce: "Hey, HEY! Pay attention, you might have got the tight-rope walking over with ease, but now, now you have to gather Dante Scorpions AND while also balancing on the rope, got that? But don't worry, I believe you can accomplish this with ease,  seeing you can walk a simple rope without falling into a scorpion pit!"

After a few encouragements from Royce, Siamese Cat Guard 1 took the initiative to attempt at getting one scorpion,  when she took the initiative she quit the Silky-tightrope and get creative and so she spotted a small sizable hole in which she could squeeze herself through. As she did she managed to reach the Dante Scorpion Nests and successfully nabbed quite a few Scorpions. Now the problem is: How is she going to get the Scorpions through the hole with her? Fortunately, she also remembered the hole was big enough for a small container, so Siamese Cat Guard 1 crawls back through the hole and returns back to Royce.

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "*pant, pant, pant* Alright... Dante... Scorpions, here they are!"

Royce: "Alright, woo-hoo! You got it! That was all, now then, let's go back up top! You're all done with the training, that's all." As Royce began walking with Siamese Cat Guard 1, she asked the 21-year-old so many questions resulting in them being answered all the way until they reached the surface and into his and Ashlas' house. "Ashla! Where are you? Are you alright? Answer me!"

Ashla: "Ash~"

Royce: "Phew, she's alright, that's good!"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Yes, what does me being trained on how to walk ropes have to helping or assisting in aiding my Captain, like, AT ALL?!"

Royce: "I need an assistant to help me in talking care of Ashla; that was why she requested two Guards and not just one. The reason you're standing in our presence is well... I'm going to hate admitting this but... you know this City more than me, no?"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "You want me to help provide for the Captain while she is recovering, right? Is that what you mean? Also, I DO know this City well." Siamese Cat Guard assumed, earning a witty look from Royce. "I also forgot to mention how well-kept this place looks and is, before this, the Captain never really cleaned and everything was a mess."

Royce: "I gotta ask: did you know that other Guard or something?"

Siamese Cat Guard: "Yes, we grew up as child-hood friends, we did everything together; training, enlisting into the Guard, catching thieves and criminals so on and so fourth."

Royce: "That's cool, I wish I had friends that dedicated as you two were."

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Really?"

Royce: "Eh~ I was fine though, life was mostly fair, didn't have many friends but I guess was sort of enjoyable, even if it was easy."

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "I'll uh~ go and organize... I mean put the jar of Dante Scorpions in the pantry with the cured meats, spices, salts, water and other scorpions."

Royce: "You took the words out of my mouth! Now then, I'm going to go and check up on my girlfriend," while the Guard helped around Ashla's house, Royce went to check up on his girlfriend.

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