Chapter 45: A New Threat.

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Bentley: "Ah yes, start baby-proofing my gear, and to make sure nothing is within Ashloy's reach!"

Royce: "Thank you Bentley, I don't want Ashloy to accidentally ingest any of your science experiments. I'm pretty sure Ashla would appreciate that as well, wouldn't you sweety?"

Ashla: "Yes indeed. I don't know what this science thing is but I'm trusting in your decisions and actions, both of you."

Royce: "I will do everything and anything to protect this family, even if it means sacrificing myself to do so!"

Royce explains to Ashla and the Cooper Gang as a Komodo Dragon and a Siamese Cat Guard comes rushing in in panic, looking for safety.

Royce: "I'll handle this," Royce told the others as he approached the panicking Cat and Komodo Dragon, "what seems to be the problem, speak you two."

Komodo Dragon: "It was~ it was awful! There was this large, scaly, white Monster; it had medium-sized Orange Fangs (Tusks), moved incredibly fast and was freezing the entire place~"

Siamese Cat Guard 4: "Him and I were the only ones that survived our encounter with the hideous beast, barely!"

Royce was listening to the panicking Guards and was doing his best with a rough sketch of their descriptions.

Royce was listening to the panicking Guards and was doing his best with a rough sketch of their descriptions

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Siamese Cat Guard 4: "That's the one!"

Ashla: "So this Monster, how bad is it?"

Royce: "Guys, I'm gonna need to make a call," Royce told the group as he got his inter-dimensional communicator and began putting in some numbers, but of course this was stopped by Carmelita, "what do you think you are doing?!"

Cooper Gang: "We should be asking the same of you! That's Le Paradox's technological possessions!"

Royce: "So! I'm using this~ MAN, DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN EVERYTHING AROUND HERE?!" Royce yells out loud in anger and frustration as he wakes up Ashloy. "Dang it! You idiots make me wake up the child," Royce says as he grabs the inter-dimensional communicator and rocks Ashloy back to sleep. "I need you all, except you sweetheart, you're fine," Royce says to the Cooper Gang and then Ashla before picking the inter-dimensional communicator once more. Royce then begins punching in the necessary numbers. "This is important so be quite, please?."

The Cooper Gang, Ashla and the two other panicked Guards silenced as Royce answered his phone and waited for the phone to be received on the other side.

*Ring, ring, ring*

Mysterious Receiver: "Hello, who is this? What do you want?"

Royce: "I need a favor."

Mysterious Receiver: "What type of favor? Hunt? Capture? What?"

Royce: "A new threat has arrived in town and we need help. Think you could lend some assistance? You'll get paid!"

Mysterious Receiver: "Seriously though, what type of operation do you want me to run? Gun-running? Assassination? Smuggling? Illegal-trade?"

Royce: "I want several pieces of armor and a sword with fire infused into it, also it MUST have a sharp blade!"

Mysterious Receiver: "All right, You'll have the armor and flame sword within a few hours!"

Royce: "You'll receive payment after it is done."

Mysterious Receiver: "No need for payment, I got other sources of income."

Royce: "Thank you my friend."

A few hours later, Royce receives the requested armor and fire set in order to slay the Barioth and before setting out.

A Siamese Cat Guard's Love (Book 1) (A Sly Cooper FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now