Chapter 32: (Talk About) Acquiring Baby Supplies.

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As soon as the Cooper Gang, Salim and Royce settled down from their heated conflict (Carmelita didn't want to be involved), Ashla was beginning to wake up but with a nasty headache with small remnants of sleep in her system.

Ashla: "Uhh, my head, what happened?" Ashla says rubbing her aching head before remembering the aggression that her pregnancy was causing her, "Royce, I'm so sorry, I should've told you earlier!" Ashla continues on with her crying and aching head as her motherly instincts kick into over-drive before Royce had to calm her down.

Royce: "Ashla, sweetie, you have to calm down, you don't want to stress out the baby." This reasoning was more than enough to make Ashla calm down as Royce didn't want to frighten his pregnant wife and make things worse. "Ashla, you all right now?"

Ashla: "I'm alright now."

Royce: "Good, that's good."

Ashla: "Sweetie, we're going to need supplies for the baby but I don't know how to acquire them."

Carmelita: "Leave it to the Cooper Gang, well... more specifically me. I'll gather those supplies and then you will have baby food and supplies to last maybe... I don't know, 5 years?" hearing this made Ashla object to needing to become dependable on her future ancestors to come.

Ashla: "I don't want any assistance or luxury products for my baby when we raise it, right Royce? Royce?" Ashla asked, wanting his opinion but only earning silence in return, "Royce, are you paying attention, how are we going to raise our child?!" Ashla then knocks her husband on the side of the head, therefore earning his attention.

Royce: "Huh? What?! What did I miss? Is this important?"

Ashla & Carmelita: "YES!!" Both Vixen and Siamese-Cat Cooper yelled in anger and in sync.

Royce: "OKay, what seems to be the problem, ladies?"

Carmelita: "We can't decide on whether or not to either allow me to bring supplies from the future or just be self sufficient; what do you think?" Royce coming up with a decision decided to bring Ashla into another room to begin discussions.

Royce: "Ashla, we need to talk, now," Royce tells his wife as he grabs her hand and immediately took her to another room, "Ashla, there is something I need to tell you..."

Ashla: "What?"

Royce: "I~ I was raised on certain as you call it 'luxury products', give the child the luxury of growing up with things that you never had. Give it the enjoyment that you never had as a kid. We don't have to be 'entirely' dependable on products based on luxury, I mean, we can be self-sufficient, right?" Ashla's head nods as she understands what her husband was trying to get at.

Then once the two were done discussing on acquiring supplies for the baby, the two then returned to Carmelita and conversations returned back to normal (where there were no cat-fights [ pun intended!]) between Ashla and Carmelita and they began talking about how they were going to begin on how to raise the new up-coming Cooper.

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