Chapter 43: Carmelita's Curiosity...

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As soon as both Royce and Carmelita arrive at the house unscathed, Ashla was happy to see both human and Vixen in good-condition.

Ashla: "Happy hunting I assume?"

Royce: "Definitely, I got in some exercise!" Royce said with a smile.

Carmelita: "Very funny... I had a few close calls, and nearly got bit several times too!"

Sly: "At least no one here is infected, right?"

Carmelita: "No Sly, I'm not infected. If I was, I wouldn't voluntarily come back to the Hideout. Not to mention I got a modification from Royce that will cure myself or any infected from up close or a distance!"

Bentley: "At least that's all that matters. That, and with the rest of Ancient Arabia being cured of this unknown Zombie disease~ I mean infection." Bentley told both human and Vixen as he then realized something, "Carmelita, did you just say that Royce modified your Shock Pistol to fire Anti-Zombie rounds that cure infected individuals?"

Carmelita: "Yes, and I mean it, too!"

Bentley then looks at Royce all skeptical, not believing Carmelita for a bit.

Bentley: "You created, err~ modified Ms.Fox's Shock Pistol to fire the cure aerosols as ammunition?! That's~ that's amazing! Why didn't I think of that!?"

With Royce paying attention to Carmelita, Carmelita goes over to Royce's neon-green backpack and starts looking through it out of curiosity. Seeing that the adrenaline rush she sustained from curing half a town, she thought she'd find something to calm her down, so she looks through his backpack and manages to find several books with Royce's name on it. One she had a particular interest in.

Carmelita: "Oooh... what's this? Hmm... " 'The Adventures of Royce', this should be interesting..." after a bit of reading "The Adventures of Royce", Carmelita was so hooked onto the story that Royce started so long ago that she didn't notice just entered the room.

Royce: "Hey Car~ whoa! Hey, what're you doing reading my personal belongings without my permission?!" Royce freaked out from Carmelita reading a book he was making since he was 15. Although he secretly wanted people to notice his creativity and skill.

After a bit of calming himself down, Royce was able to collect his thoughts and wonder if she'd like his book so far.

Royce: "So..."

Carmelita: "Yes?"

Royce: "Do you... like it, I mean do you like it so far?"

Carmelita: "It's alright, fairly interesting. What were you thinking about at the time?"

Royce: "Getting rid of a headache that would always be caused from scenarios repeating in my head. So, as a result, I decided to write all of his Adventures and well... the headaches stopped and... turns out into an interesting story that still doesn't have an end yet."

Carmelita: "So when does it end?"

Royce: "It's not going to end anytime soon, just as long as I can come up with ideas for the story." Royce told the Vixen as she didn't ask any more questions and kept concentrating on reading his book that she didn't even notice Sly walk into the room with her.

Sly: "Hey Carm, what Cha reading?" The raccoon asked her sparking his curiosity as well.

Carmelita: "A story Royce wrote. It's REALLY good."

*If you have any questions about any of my book series, be sure to send me a message in the conversations or PM me and I'll get back to you to answer said question*

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