Chapter 22: Day 3 in Ancient Arabia.

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Royce's P.O.V.

Royce: "Man, ever since I've landed in this lousy and dusty sand-pit, my life had a somewhat interesting. Dang, I even managed to land myself at getting a beautiful and well-deserved wife after some crazy turn of events! And to make things even crazier, SHE'S A COOPER, AND I'M DATING A COOPER!"Royce thought to himself as he started to shake himself from the influence of sleep.

Once he fully rid himself of sleepiness, he took his medicine and decided to make himself and Ashla (whom was still asleep) some breakfast. Mostly Scorpions, salted and cured meats, a nice cup of water (which was Royce's FAVORITE and most preferred beverage-type with the humans), then he made his wife's breakfast; it mostly consisted of salted and cured meats and Scorpion, seeing that all his wife really ate was meat and only meat. THAT, and she was an actual cat when Royce "Discovered" she was a cat after she told him. To him on the first day of getting stranded in the middle of a desert and being rescued, he considered himself "lucky" not to be torn apart by an actual monstrous feline.

Ashla's P.O.V.

Ashla: "As I begin to wake up (2 hours later), I noticed my husband: Royce isn't with me, so I figure, maybe he probably went out to get some fresh air and explore the City or meet up with my brother, but no, I found him making and eating breakfast. I mean really, he made us breakfast?! Awesome!" Ashla says as she then enters the kitchen to join Royce.

No One's P.O.V.

Royce: "Hey sweetie, how was the sleep?"

Ashla: "Alright, I suppose..."

Royce: "Still sleepy?" Royce asks his wife, not wanting to assume that Cats in this world act like the pet cats back from where he was from.

Ashla: "Yes... thank you for making the food," she managed to speak while yawning then a thought came to Ashla, "did you take your medicine you asked for from the boss you so desperately requested?"

Royce: "Yes, of course I did."

Ashla: "Good, so no 'seizures' then, right? Cause I don't want to see you not responding."

Royce: "Uh-huh..."

Ashla: "Question: How do you manage to heat up this food so quickly? And I mean HOW?"

Royce: "The new thing I put on the roof." Royce then grabs Ashla (whom was still eating her breakfast) and proceeds to climb up and onto the roof of the house. "This is called a Solar Cooker. It uses glass and points it at the food (Royce shows a picture and gives a detailed picture) and cooks the food." After Royce gave a demonstration of how the Solar Cooker worked which to Ashla surprised her a lot. That was before Royce told her that he was going to meet up with her brother: Salim Al Kupar.

Once Royce met up with Salim Al Kupar (as promised), the two began to talk (mostly about their adventures before and after Cyril Le Paradox came and left.) When Royce was telling Salim that Cyril started providing medicine for him (which was a good thing by the way), this got Salim's attention and began to listen even more.

Royce: "So I'm telling you, the only reason why I'm here alive, and talking to you is because 1. Your sister unconditionally saved me. And 2. Cyril provided me with the necessary medication so I wouldn't die at any random time!"

Salim: "And this 'medicine' is helping you," Salim asked the 21-year-old with suspicion as he had no clue to what he meant.

Royce: "Yeah, it's a blessing I'll say! I'm more than fortunate to have a person like your sister taking care of me, Salim, it is a TRUE honor." Believing that his sister was being used for his own reasons, Salim decided to state his mind and speak in defense of his sister.

Salim: "Royce, I do trust that in your decision that you please may NOT take advantage of my sister. From what I've seen, heard, and what not; she cares about you and dedicates herself to you. And if she decides that she wants to have a family, make her happy and give her what she wants. A female Cooper must get what a female Cooper wants, OKay?" Salim says to the 21-year-old as he suddenly disappears. Which then gets Royce into thinking.

Royce: "Oh boy, this will be a heck of an interesting day, now will it?" Only then to be met with his wife, Ashla as soon as he got back home with some new guests in the house: a turtle in a wheel-chair, a muscular hippo, and a fox with a police badge.

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