Chapter 18: Finally Settling Down In Ancient Arabia? Part 2.

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With the whole Cooper Gang and Cane shenanigans involving Cyril Le Paradox and Ms.Decibel over and done with, Royce thought that now would be the time to settle time and be with his girlfriend: Ashla.

Royce: "Now that this whole shenanigans thing is over, maybe I can finally settle down with you. What do you think, Ashla?"

Ashla: "Want to know what I think? I think that ever since you've came into my life, accident or not, my life has been a lot better and more interesting since you've came. That- that is what I think of you."

Royce: "Now about starting a family? Were you serious about the whole ordeal? You really want a family and all?"

Ashla: "Uh... sure, I guess?" Ashla said with nervousness as she began explaining, "you see, things get weird at times, but this... I really want a family. Are you willing to start a family... with me?"

Royce: "Why not? I think the love of my life has found me, and I'm going to accept her love." Royce said dreamily. Making Ashla smile. "Why not, life here in Ancient Arabia has been interesting so far, even with all the chaos, confusion, death and all!"

Ashla: "I never asked this, but: since everything here has cooled down, mind if I get a look at that sack of yours? Cause ever since you've 'arrived' here, I've always wondered what is and was in there!"

Royce: "I don't mind at all Ashla; remember, I won't hide any secrets, seeing now's a more safer place here."

Ashla: "That's good," Ashla grabs Royce's Neon back-pack and notices only several books, not drinks, nor food or water, not even a picture, "Are you a book writer?"

Royce: "Yes and no. You see, I usually write for fun whenever I'm not pre-occupied with whatever I'm occupied with."

Ashla: "You had a job before you came here?"

Royce: "My only 'job' before I came here was learning and it took 17-years of my life and now here I am talking and living with you. And that's that."

Ashla: "Really? You spent most of your life learning what, if anything."

Royce: "Random annoying things. Although, I haven't been able to experience whatever you've been through, we've mostly learned many things from basic math to history to well... that about it, I've learned other things while I was younger too, but most of my memory was 'deleted' as soon as I started having seizures and memory problems. But I do have THIS; a Bio-med Certificate, yada yada yada..."

Ashla: "I think I kinda understand; 'deleted' as in lost, and you started having seizures and memory problems recently? That and it explains why I found you unconscious out in the desert."

Royce: "It's more like 2 years now. Learning to cope with my problems is like a rash, kinda annoying, you gotta deal with it, and if you scratch it, you make it worse! And to top things off with it, I nearly died with my last occurrence."

Ashla: "That's terrible! So you, I mean 'we' got a permanent problem to being together?"

Royce: "I~ I think, urgh. I don't know what to think anymore!"

Ashla: "Come on Royce, give it a break, you're with me now, time to relax," Ashla tells Royce as she begins to give him a massage to which he enjoyed and began relaxing. "now then, how does this feel?"

Royce: "So good, please, continue," Royce said as he needed a good relaxing massage, "I so needed this, man, you're good." complimenting the Siamese Cat Captain as she was getting all of his tender, rough spots on his shoulders.

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