Chapter 27: Royce Tours even more of Ancient Arabia.

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Carmelita: "Alright then Royce, where are we off to, here in Arabia? Seeing that I hope you gave the Gang the right information."

Royce: "Yes, of course. Now then, ready for 'our' second tour of my Ancient Arabia?"

Carmelita: "'Our?' You mean you touring me of 'your' Ancient Arabia?"

Royce: "Yes. Now, are you ready," Royce asked the Interpol agent as she was now aware for any situation involving the Human, "cause I'm now fully awake for me giving you a tour of my experience of Ancient Arabia so far."

Carmelita: "Are you sure? Cause, I'm okay with that, and I'm not okay with that!"


Carmelita: "You will calm down or I'll fry your sorry little rear into tomorrow with my Shock Pistol, get it?!"

Royce: "Fine..."

Once Royce cooled his temper down and Carmelita gathered her gear once more; the two then went outside as of Carmelita escorting Royce. Even through the more dangerous parts of Ancient Arabia. That was until he and Carmelita reached the outside boundaries of the more forbidden parts of Ancient Arabia. Royce then holds his hand out in a fashion to prevent Carmelita from advancing any further.

Carmelita: "What's wrong? Why are we not advancing any further?"

Royce: "It's considered 'forbidden territory' to my wife. Apparently like, days before I came here, there was some sort of Frenzy Virus and all corrupted individuals are subdued, captured and brought here."

Carmelita: "Why?"

Royce: "Good question... they aren't like any of the Guards before we came here. They are insentient beings, they're monsters, one bite and you're infected with the Frenzy Virus and you have less than one hour before you're one of them and you begin attacking anyone around you."

Carmelita: "Sounds like a Zombie virus."

Royce: "Trust me, definitely is like a zombie virus. I WON'T even dare to explore and this... this is where we will be the boundaries on which we will stop exploring, anywhere but here!" Royce said to the Vixen as Royce returned back to his home with Carmelita following close behind, including the recently promoted Siamese Cat Captain and Siamese-trained Cooper; Vhel and Joy.

Vhel: "Permission to speak, Captain?"

Joy: "Permission granted!"

Vhel: "What brings you two over to the Forbidden Boundaries of Arabia; this part of Arabia is EXTREMELY dangerous. You two shouldn't be around this part. Not to mention we shouldn't even be around here!"

Joy: "There is a reason as to why these areas of Arabia ARE forbidden to travelers, merchant's, Guards and other personnel. There's a sickness going around, and so this is why the Captain before me closed this part of Arabia off from access. Now then... would you like Vhel, the Vixen and I to escort you back to home? Where's it's much safer?"

Royce: "Yes please, join us in escorting 'us' back to our house." Royce granted the new Siamese Cat Captain (Joy) and the Cooper-trained Guard; Vhel as they escorted both Carmelita and Royce back to his and Ashlas' house.

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