Chapter 6: Cleaning Ashla's House Up.

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With Ashla out patrolling for thieves once more, Royce decided to keep his promise and clean up the somewhat dusty house so what he knew of dustiness he began getting whatever available cleaning tools there were. The only "cleaning supplies" that Royce found was a single broom. As he got the broom, he took it and dusted the hall-way and 5 rooms, including Ashlas' Master Bedroom. Usually when cleaning rooms, it only took the human around 15-30 minutes, but seeing there be 5 rooms close together, it took 12 minutes to dust the 5 rooms. After dusting the rooms, including the Master's Bed-room. Once the dusting was over, Royce proceeded to grab the Silk blankets that were on Ashlas' bed and in the Living Room before dusting and cleaning them. Since Royce was pretty much done cleaning the house and dusting the blankets, he decided now was a good for some R&R (Rest & Relaxation), so he went to the nearest piece of furniture; the couch. He couldn't wait to see Ashlas' reaction when she got home. 

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