Chapter 7: Ashla Comes Home.

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When Royce finished cleaning the house, he slept on the couch that Ashla put him on when he was unconscious and went to sleep, melting into a comfortable state as he was able to sleep the first time in a while. Right as he fell asleep, Ashla opens the door to her house and sees the human she "rescued" sleeping on the cleaned couch that she desperately needed to clean.

Ashla: "Hmm... I guess he kept his word, eh, he just might be worth the save, that, and he's kinda cute..." and with that, Ashla dragged her tired self towards her Master Bed-room for some rest after patrolling tirelessly in the Arabic desert for 10 straight hours.

 As Ashla was dragging herself through her now cleaned house, she noticed how everything was a lot cleaner, and in some areas, almost pristine. Then all of a sudden, Ashla had the random idea of bringing the 21-year-old human to the Master's Bedroom with her, seeing that she could use some company after her long and unfruitful attempt at capturing the Cooper Gang or any of its members. 

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