Chapter 40: Royce Reminiscing...

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After Royce, Ashla, Bentley, Murray, Sly and Carmelita we're finished eating their pizza's, Royce began to have mixed emotional flashbacks based on his past. So much as it to cause him to literally breakdown and burst into tears. This random was caused by, or rather from him missing his parents.

Although, the 21-year-old was now raising a family of his own, he was wondering what it was like before his "disappearance". Before being interrupted by the Cooper Gang who were more than worried from Royce's breakdown.

Carmelita: "Bentley, is something wrong with him? Why did he just... you know..."

Bentley: "Randomly freak out? You best guess is as good as mine: I have no clue..."

Ashla: "But I think I do," Ashla said while holding Ashloy with one arm, "you see before I met you guys, I heard Royce talking about him playing several different video games and involving a TV and how it took him from where he normally lived and now here. And I think that it was like an uh... what was it...?"

Bentley: "A portal to a different realm! He's been taken from HIS reality and put into a non-existing reality. So to him, this place isn't real."

Sly: "So you're saying this is a fantasy to him?!"

Bentley: "Unfortunately so, Sly. So in order for him to not lose his mind, he's reminiscing."

Murray: "Why Bentley," the hippo asked his turtle friend, "is reminiscing that important?"

Bentley only shrugged.

Bentley: "All I do know about reminiscing you guys, is that EVERYONE reminiscences at least ONCE in their lives, good or bad. And I think he's having an unpredictable memory."

Ashla feeling bad for her husband decided to ask him if he wanted to "talk about it".

Ashla: "Do you want to talk about it, honey?"

Royce: "NO. Sorry, no, I don't want to talk about anything. This is something that I must figure or do myself."

And with this, Royce left the household and began traveling Ancient Arabia and even so as into the Forbidden Zone. There, he noticed several (infected) Siamese Cat Guards looking at him oddly. The curious infected Guards decided to approach the 21-year-old thinking he was food. Only to notice that he didn't have a smell that they were familiar with their victims, err- prey.

Royce, knowing he was safe, watched the undead Siamese Guards snuggle up against him (like a feline wanting to be petted) before he starts reminiscing.

Attempted Flashback...

I was only 7 when I started playing any of the Sly Cooper game Series, my first ever game! I mean seriously?! I still have it to this day! And now, not only am I living in a Sly Cooper world but am also dating a Cat! And it's from the Sly Cooper franchise; a Guard! C'mon Royce, you're not thinking straight here! You got everything you've always wanted: a girlfriend, a kid (whom is a Cooper, awesome!) and now a family! All of this accomplished 14 years later? I'll take this. Although I'm gonna miss my REAL family; FAMILY, THAT's THE ANSWER!"

Flashback ends

Royce notices a bunched up group of infected Siamese Cat Guards surrounding him and cuddling close to him (a little too close) as he begins "wake" from his reminiscing and tries to walk away with the infected close behind but then shortly stop following him.

As Royce leaves the Forbidden Zone, he slowly wonders as to what will become of his daughter: "will she be like her father: like her mother, or will she develop a whole new personality that will shape her future the way she will see as fit? What will happen if the family encounters Clockwerk? Will they live? Will they survive?" Too many questions flowed through Royce's mind as sooner than he thought reached his home after much reminiscing.

Murray: "Hey guys, look who came back! Royce is back," The Murray then notices Royce began having a blank face, "are you alright pal?" The Murray asked Royce, concerned for his feelings.

Royce: "Yes... Murray, I'm fine. What makes you think I wasn't?" Royce asked the hippo, only for Bentley and Carmelita to answer instead.

Bentley: "Well, you denied any help or involvement from us to talk about whatever been troubling you..."

Carmelita: "And you refused and help from your wife. Whom OBVIOUSLY knows more about you than us! She cares too, just like we do."

Royce: "Yeah? And what do you know about us?! All you have done is antagonize me like I'm some common crook~"

Sly: "Hey, watch it!"

Royce: "Just leave me alone, I need to... I dunno why I snapped. I guess it's a DeBarry thing, I haven't lashed out at anyone in a while since Ms.Decibel and Le Paradox. My point is: I'm sorry."

As Royce apologizes to his wife, Carmelita and the Cooper Gang, they return back to their daily routine; with Sly practicing some new Cooper moves, The Murray continuing with muscle building exercises, and Bentley, he needs "help" with an experiment that involved Royce but Ashla said no to.

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