Chapter 34: Home From Shopping.

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As soon as Ashla and Carmelita returned from shopping, Royce got up from conversing with the Cooper Gang and began helping out his wife and Carmelita with putting away supplies and future baby preparations for when the new Cooper is to be born.

Royce: "Hey sweetie, how was the shopping?"

Ashla: "Carmelita and I split up. She went shopping for food while I shopped for clothing for the baby. Only thing is... they, I mean 'she' doesn't have her usual Universal size that she sells!"

Royce: "That's a bummer!"

Ashla: "You're telling me. Carmelita managed to get all the necessary supplies. Me... on the other hand managed to get a size that will only do until our child for one entire year."

Royce: "Hey I mean that's good for one year, right?" Royce told his wife with some optimism and trying to stay positive which dramatically changed Ashla's perspective.

Ashla: "Eeh... I guess you're right. I mean I DO over-react too much during these times."

Royce: "NONE-SENSE! You're doing just fine. Relax, take some weight off your shoulders, you'll feel a bit later," Royce urged his wife as she began to loosen up, "Carmelita, anything interesting, lately?"

Carmelita: "Nothing. Besides going to Ashla's preferred merchant she ALWAYS visits when she's shopping. OH! speaking of 'shopping' the Merchant wanted me to tell you, Ashla, that he said 'hi' and wish you'd visit."

Ashla: "Thank you Carmelita, and I'll tell him 'hi' the next time I see him."

Carmelita: "You're welcome. So, how did you and Royce meet?"

Ashla: "Royce, go and put the food-stuffs away. I need to have a little talk with Carmelita, please," Ashla requested from her husband as then carries the goods into their kitchen and starts putting away the goods that Carmelita brought to the house from the Merchant, "now then. Where was I? Oh yes, how I met Royce. It's quite interesting actually: You see *baby kicks* oh... okay. First..."

Flashback Time...

Ashla: "I was just on patrol at 9:30 time as what you Westerners call it," Carmelita looks at Ashla strangely, seeing how she wasn't a Westerner, "and I unknowingly come across this thing and I thought: He may be a thief, he dressed up like a thief but he IS pretty. I tap him a little, he doesn't respond, so I bring to my own house and lay him on my love-seat. And then long time later, he wakes up and starts blabbering random idiocy. So I make him an offer in exchange for him to live. He takes the offer and so on and so fourth..."

Flashback Ends

Carmelita: "OooHHH!! That's how you two met! Okay. THAT was something."

Royce then finishes putting the food-stuffs and supplies as he hears his wife and Carmelita talking about him.

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