Chapter 15: Taking Care of Ashla, Part 2.

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Royce goes to check up on Ashla: his Siamese Cat Captain girlfriend in another room, apparently in the Master bedroom sleeping instead of waiting for food like she was to.

Royce: "I hope this is a temporary inconvenience... Hope I didn't hit her too hard!" Royce began thinking and talking to himself.

Ashla: "Good thing too... uh... my... head... what happened?"

Royce: "You nearly tried to kill me! So I~ never mind, why did you turn on me? WHY?!" The 21-year-old yelled at his girlfriend whom was just coming out of her severe concussive state, before grabbing one of Ashlas' Arabic Scimitars and pointing it at her, "Now you better explain why you all of a sudden turned against me at that meeting before I get myself a new fur coat." Royce threatened the Captain as he was pointing the blade towards her throat.

Ashla: "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Royce: "Strike One; I know you a little too well Ashla, you don't just INSTANTLY turn against someone you love in the blink of an eye, now start talking!"

Ashla: "I REALLY DON'T KNOW; it was like I was being charmed like a snake and couldn't break free," the Captain tried to reason with her hysterical human boyfriend, as Royce heard "charm" and "break free" he knew there could be only one answer: Hypnosis. Someone hypnotized his girlfriend to intentionally attack and potentially kill him. Thinking of this theory, Royce withdrew the weapon, dropped it and with a guilt-ridden conscious, apologized, only to result in begging for Ashla's forgiveness. "If you want my forgiveness, you must... groom and brush my fur."

Royce: "Okay, look Ashla, I'll brush your beautiful fur but one thing I am NOT going to do is groom you, and by 'groom' I mean I WON'T lick your fur! Sorry, nope, forget it!"

Ashla: "Why? Is it because you're a Human and I'm a Cat?"

Royce: "That's one of the reasons, us humans don't groom others like you Cats do, I'm sorry, it's just the way I was raised. BUT I WILL brush your fur. Now, where's a brush?"

Ashla: "Right here," Ashla gives her human boyfriend whom then takes the brush with appreciation seeing that he didn't have to clean his girlfriend like a cat would before beginning to brush and comb her fur. "Oh, yes, oh yeah, that's~ that's the spot, oh, that feels good!" Ashla said as she was enjoying being brushed by Royce.

Royce: "Oh? Does Kitty like Brush?"

Ashla: "Ooooohhh!! Me looove," Ashla said as she also began purring. As being seduced by the pleasure of being brushed, "Royce, can I ask you something important? And you have to be serious about it, will you?"

Royce: "OKay, what is it?"

Ashla: "Can we raise a family after this whole Cooper business is over," a question from his girlfriend came so suddenly concerned Royce.

Royce: "You mean kids? So soon? I was thinking about marriage. But first I need to find out who was hypnotizing you into attacking me."

Ashla: "I will~" Ashla attempted to get up only to be pushed back onto the bed. "I wanna~"

Royce: "No, Ashla, I need to do this, for you..." Royce tells the Siamese Cat Captain as he pushes by the bandages on her head and back onto the bed. "Your care-taker will cover for me while I'm gone, take care," and with that Royce left Ashla with intentions on figuring out what happened back in her bosses' palace.


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