Chapter 14: The Retrieval...

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As Royce brought his now, somewhat speech-impaired girlfriend home with him, he began to wonder why and how she turned against him.

Royce: "How and why did she just turn? And like that on/ in an instant? It doesn't make any sense." Royce questions himself as to be looking for questions, "Ashla, are you hungry, my dear?" Royce asked his now speech-impaired, whom only now started showing "some" improvements.

Ashla: '"Please, get... get... 2... 2 Guards." Ashla said with difficulty as the human left and and went after to find some other Guards that Ashla requested, resulting in Royce leaving the Captain unsupervised and unattended to. When Royce left his girlfriend alone, the first place he went to was where he tried out his Cooper-Blend technique on one of Ashlas's Siamese Cat Guards.

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "You, come back to see and meet your demise?"

Royce: "Err... no, actually, I got something else in mind, the Captain asked me to request me to bring 2 Guards to oversee her while she is in recovery, and I choose you as one of them, now please, come along."

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Okay, alright then, but if you trick, or deceive me, I'll take such pleasure in seeing you suffer before you die!"

Royce: "Just follow me." After Royce managed to persuade and gain the first Siamese Cat Guards attention, Siamese Cat Guard 1 diligently followed after Royce as if escorting the human as Royce began looking for another Cat Guard. Just as Royce and his "escort" were exploring more of Ancient Arabia, his escort pointed out that one of her friends was right above them and she offered to give a lift to see if her friend cared and wanted her to join alongside her in assisting the Captain. "Sure, I wouldn't mind one bit."

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "It's pretty high up, I wouldn't mind giving you a paw but DON'T do anything funny while you're on my back or I'll claw you so badly that you'll be bleeding in no time."

Royce: "Don't worry, you can trust me, I promise!"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "I hope so, now hop on because it's pretty high!" Siamese Cat Guard told Royce as he then climbed onto Siamese Cat Guard 1's back and clinged onto her like a tick. "Loosen your grip a little; you're choking me, I don't wanna die either!" the resulting comment made Royces' grip loosen just enough to where Siamese Cat Guard 1 was then feeling comfortable once more.

After climbing several stories of palaces and buildings...   

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Alright, we're here, let me talk to my friend while you just wait and let me talk things out." Royce only nodded as Siamese Cat Guard 1 went to talk to her friend: Siamese Cat Guard 2.

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "Apparently the Captain, according to a nearby, reliable source says the Captain suffered from a MAJOR concussion and that he's looking for 2 and I mean TWO Guards being requested, so care to join him and I, old friend?"

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "Eh, why not? I'm up to game, where's this 'source' of yours anyways, wait a minute," the Siamese Cat Guard engages in conversation right before noticing Royce and trying to cut him limb from limb but to no avail. "Fine, is THIS your informant?"

Siamese Cat Guard 1: "He claims to be the Captain's (new) boyfriend and that she asked, er~ requested him to bring 2 Guards to oversee her recover, which to what I saw; a hit like that with the hilt can easily incapacitate."

Siamese Cat Guard 2: "Now I'm convinced; this trip had better be worth the walk back to the Captain's quarters, you hear me," Siamese Cat Guard said attempting to threaten and intimidate the 21-year-old before noticing that one of her Scimitars were missing.

Royce: "Missing something?" Royce questioned Siamese Cat Guard 2 as it was her that attempted to intimidate him before holding the blade up to her neck as she tried to pull make some moves against him only to have him outmaneuver the Guard. "Anything else, here," Royce tosses the Scimitar back to Siamese Cat Guard 2 as he wanted to go back to his house, so Siamese Cat Guard 1 then told him to hop back on before everyone went back to ground-level and return back to his home.

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