Chapter 20: ...And Making New Ones.

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With Royce making a marriage proposal and Ashla accepting the proposal (saying yes). Royce decided that he was now going to make new memories here in Ancient Arabia, with the girl of his dreams. Even if she wasn't the same species as he was, all that he wanted was love and appreciation; so much that he would bare the harsh Arabic heat and possible natural (and unnatural) hazards associated with Ancient Arabia; the Guards, water's, wildlife, thieves, so on and so fourth.

As Royce and Ashla settled down (with Ashla making income, doing her usual job: being the Captain of the Siamese Guard), Royce received a couple gifts that helped him with his technological life-style from a mysterious source. Which he took without much thought.

And as he managed to get technology back into his life, he began to type some stories and play some games (the same thing that got him stranded in the first place). Playing Monster Hunter: World, a bit of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (because she would become unpredictably irritated at the sight of Guard's loot being stolen, even though she was a Cooper herself), Fallout 4, some Skyrim and TerraTech, Minecraft and several other games.

Royce even took Ashla out to which he been secretly exploring Ancient Arabia without the proper escort, without most of the Guards not knowing that Royce was under Ashlas' protection. And to make things better, there were certain locations that Royce visited that could only be reached by a Cooper. A Cooper's Eye View of the City, just breath taking. Then to be surprised by one of Sly Cooper's ancestor's and Ashla's brother: Salim Al Kupar.

Salim: "Beautiful sight, is it not?" Salim asked the 21-year-old with his thick Arabian accent.

Royce: "Yeah, sure is!"

Salim: "Whom are you? Only a Cooper could get up here and you don't look like a Cooper, and you DEFINITELY don't look like you're from around here!"

Royce: "I'm no Cooper. I was rescued by a Cooper and earned her trust enough to become her Cooper apprentice. And I've learned enough to know that I can do the most basic of Cooper Moves. Now then, my name's Royce DeBarry.... What's yours?"

Salim: "I am Salim Al Kupar and I live in this town. Now why are you always hanging around the Guards, all they'll do is get you killed," then someone went into Salim's mind, "when you said 'rescued by a Cooper', can you give a description of what this 'Cooper' looks like?"

Royce: "WHY?" Royce questioned the Cooper with some mistrust and suspicion, "you're not after a Cooper's canes are you?" Salim brings out his own Cooper Cane to prove his innocence of involvement of attempted theft of Ashla's Cane (Yes, Ashla DOES have a Cane, but secretly hid her Cane and 2 Twin Canes as the whole Cane Hunt Crisis came to her precious city by her former bosses: Cyril Le Paradox and Ms.Decibel.) "So you're a Cooper too, huh?"

Salim: "Of course I am! As real as a Cooper gets; this Cane is one of my family's few heirlooms."

Royce: "Makes sense, so you take thieving seriously, right?"

Salim: "You're not judging me? For being a thief?"

Royce: "Nah! You do anything else besides thieving during your free-time?"

Salim: "I'm a retired Master Thief, my time's over, all my friends put their thieving lives behind and I'm the last of them. That, and not to mention old age and an attempt at my life and precious Cane."

Royce: "Sooo... what do you do with yourself with the spare time?"

Salim: "Sell snacks to hungry travelers and sleep; I deserve it, you'd say the same thing if you were adventuring and thieving as much and hard as I did in my youth and time." Salim said attempting to reason. Fortunately for Salim, Royce could relate, understand and get a pretty good idea.

Royce: "You successful?"

Salim: "Just as much as thieving, sometimes even more!" Then something hit Royce as he thought it'd be a good idea for Ashla, "Salim, do you have a sister? Like someone you used to hang out with when you were younger?"

Salim: "Yes, why?" suddenly Salim's old mind was able to put some of the mental puzzle pieces together, "Are you saying you've found my long lost sister?!" Salim said with surprise.

Royce: "My wife keeps saying that finding her brother (Salim Al Kupar) for his Cane was her biggest internal conflict. She knew Salim was her brother but she wanted to protect him even though they were on opposite sides of justice."

Salim: "Royce," Salim gently lands a hand on Royce's shoulder, "can you take me to my sister? Cause it sounds like you're talking about my sister."

Royce: "I'll think about it, Salim," Royce tells the Arabic Cooper, before leaving the two story building, then popping his head back up to tell something to Salim, "meet me back here tomorrow and I'll most likely have an answer for you, OK? bye!" And like that, Royce actually left the two-story building by dropping down. Learning how to somewhat balance himself upon landing as he then returns back home with his Siamese Cat wife Captain.

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