Chapter 23: Meeting The Cooper Gang... Or What's Left Of Them, Part 2.

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Royce: "Right then, now that everything is quiet (or quieter). Why did you proceed to not only go after me but shoot and give pursuit as well? Huh? Explain. I'm all ears!" As Ms.Fox (Carmelita Fox) began explaining the whole reason to why she was chasing the poor 21-year-old. There was even a mentioning about when they were arriving in Ancient Arabia and how she was assigned to Recon and how she started developing feelings (which surprised Royce) for him while she was getting Recon photos.

Then after Carmelita was finished explaining herself towards Royce, he redirected his attention towards Salim: his now new brother-in-law, and wanted an explanation from him personally but went to a separate room so they could "talk" in private.

Royce: "Salim, you don't just invite random strangers, anyone, not even friends into others' house's except yours. I know you're like, my brother-in-law and all, but you just can't do that and all. Maybe at your place, just not here. Now tell me, whom are they, tell me."

Salim: "Bentley is the turtle in the wheelchair; Carmelita is the female with that shock-toy-thing and a weird build; and Murray is the pink muscular hippo. That's who they are..." Salim explained with his thick Arabic accent.

Royce's eye's went wide as Salim explained as a result.

Royce: "Wait, you're telling me that THAT is the Gang, err~ group of people that took down that annoying and back-stabbing elephant: Ms.Decibel?!"

Salim: "Yes, they are, Royce, now please show your respects as they just lost their leader: Sly Cooper." Royce's resulting reaction was a surprising one and a sincere one at that one too. Royce then left the conversation with Salim and went back towards the main room with the Cooper Gang members. Whom were still sitting on the couch and Carmelita still had sights on him with her shock pistol.

Royce: "You keep that Pistol withdrew and pointed at me, and I'll make sure all you 3 will be kicked out of here in a jiffy! My wife would most likely also agree with me, right Ashla?"

Ashla: "Of course, Love!" Ashla said putting a smile on Royce's face while also making someone go off in Carmelita's head. Making her cry as a result because she missed the person she loved the most. "Sweety, I think you should hold out on the defensive aggression, don't you think so too?" Royce then eased up as a result and began questioning the Vixen as to what the problem was.

Royce: "Now then, how about you guys? Anything interesting about either of you two?"

Bentley: "My name's Bentley, and I am, err~ I mean 'was' part of the Cooper Gang, not to mention the Gang's Brain's and Demolition's Expert; it has been disbanded for quite a while, and it's been disbanded because our leader has been missing for some while now!" Bentley explained to the ever curious 21-year-old to which he drew interest upon.

Murray: "... And I'm 'The Murray!' The Muscle, the Brawn and the strongest one there is here!"

Royce: "No doubt about that Big Guy!" Royce commented before thinking to himself, "Definitely not wanting how strong this guy is, nor wanting to get on this guys bad side!"

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