Chapter One

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Kiri POV:

This is it. Today is the day. I'm gonna confess to him. The whole Bakusquad knows about my crush, everyone but him. They've all managed to keep it a secret from him despite the fact that he's literally our best friend and we all hang out constantly.

Tonight, the class decided to have a party. I don't necessarily remember the reason why, but Kaminari, Sero, And Mina all convinced me to confess to Bakugo.

And I'm stressing really hard.

I showed up in the common room with all of us. I kept trying to find a good time to talk to Bakugo alone, but I could never manage.

After a couple hours, though, it was just him and I next to the punch bowl. I'd even managed to convince Sero and Kami not to spike it because I wanted Bakugo to know for a fact that I wasn't just rambling off drunken thoughts when I did it. So I got up my courage to start the conversation.

"Hey, bro, can I tell you something?" I asked nervously, twiddling my thumbs.

"Sure, whatever, Shitty Hair," he replied, mumbling.

"I've uh... I really—" I was cut off suddenly when the Dekusquad pounced on us.

"Hey, guys! How's it going?" Deku asked cheerfully.

"Oh, uh..." I smiled sheepishly as Bakugo put a finger up to hush Midoriya.

"What were you saying?" he asked, and I just stared at the ground, feeling a little defeated.

"It's uh... nothing. I'll tell you later," I laughed it off.

"Okay. What do you want, Shitty Nerd?" he grumbled at Midoriya.

"Nothing, just wondering if we could steal you for a second! We just wanna talk. And I'm warning you, they probably won't let you back down now that I'm making myself say... it. Come on, let's go," he said, dragging Bakugo away from me. Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Tsuyu all looked prepared to make Bakugo stay with them no matter the cost, so I just waved goodbye awkwardly before going back to my friends. Dang, they didn't even give him a chance to protest...

"You okay, Ei?" Kaminari asked. "We saw what just happened!"

"It's fine, Denki," I sighed. "It's not like it'll be the last time I ever get to talk to him," I went on, smiling wide. "You know what? As soon as Midoriya's done talking to Bakugo about whatever he needs to, I'll say it right to his face! I don't care who's around," I said confidently, steeling myself and crossing my arms.

"Yeah, there's our Kiri!" Mina giggled. "There's no way he could refuse... you..." she said, trailing off at the end. She was looking at where Bakugo was, surrounded by the Dekusquad. Her face fell. The rest of us followed her gaze.

Bakugo was... kissing Midoriya.

"Oh," I said quietly, then looked at the ground.

"Ei?" Denki asked gingerly, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"You okay, bro?" Sero also looked concerned for me.

"I'm... it's fine, really, I want him to be happy—" I said, but was cut off by Mina, who crossed her arms.

"Now, I love Midoriya and Bakugo. Really. But one of them is about to die tonight," she huffed, glaring at them.

"Mina, no," I sighed. "Really. I'm glad he seems to be happy with Midoriya. I just wish I said it first."

"You sure?"

"Uh-huh," I nodded, despite feeling the sudden urge to cry. Denki noticed somehow that I was holding back tears.

"Ei, c'mon, let's go someplace less crowded, maybe," he tugged on my sleeve and I just nodded. Mina and Sero started to follow us, but Denki shook his head. They stayed behind.

We emerged into the hallway and got on the elevator. Without picking a floor to get on, he closed the doors.

"You sure you're okay, man? I get that you aren't mad, but not mad doesn't mean fine. Even if you're happy for him, it doesn't mean you have to suddenly be over it," he said, staring forward but putting a hand on my shoulder. I bit my lip so hard that it bled. Dammit, these sharp teeth...

"You're right, Denki. I know you are," I sighed. "But it just feels so bad, you know? I hate feeling bad. It just... well, it feels bad. No one likes that." I felt a tear go down my cheek before quickly wiping it away and staring forward determinedly. Then again, and again. Until I was crying so hard that I couldn't stop. "Was it something I did? What did I do wrong? How—"

Denki just hugged me. "You didn't do anything, promise. The only one in the wrong is Bakugo. If he couldn't see how amazing you are, if he picked anyone over you, he's the crazy one. Nothing on you. Don't you dare do that to yourself."

I wiped at my eyes again, sniffling. "Midoriya's really cool too, though. And nice, and caring, and manly... and he's known Bakugo forever. I guess against that, I didn't stand a chance, huh?" I tried to laugh it off, but Denki just swatted my arm.

"Hey, what did I just say about beating yourself up over it? I'm not gonna lie, Mido-bro's awesome. But so are you!" He looked at me intensely, and I got the feeling he knew somehow that even making me believe that would take some convincing.

"Sorry," I sighed, still smiling softly before it turned back into a frown.

"For what?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Stealing you from the party. Making you worry about me," I listed off. He grinned.

"Aw, man, you don't think I mind, do you? I don't enjoy worrying about you, that's for sure, but what're friends for if not to be there for each other, man?" He punched me in the shoulder playfully and his infectious smile got to me. Soon I was grinning, too.

"Then, thanks," I laughed, and genuinely this time.

"Hey, bro, wanna play Mariokart?" he asked, already punching in his floor number into the elevator.

"Oh, sure!" I agreed. Maybe it won't be a good night, but at least Denki will be here. That thought was comforting.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now