Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Denki, do you want to go out with me?" I asked him. I knew the answer already, but I wanted to get the question out anyway.

"Tch. Yeah," he laughed. Sort of simultaneously, we looked at the clock. It was around ten-ish. A little past that. It was dark outside.

"Do we have school tomorrow? I never know what's going on anymore," I asked.

"Aizawa would tell us," Denki replied, shrugging.

"Yeah, you're right."

"You worry too much," he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe you just don't worry enough," I responded.

"Believe me when I say I worry plenty." We looked at the clock again, then outside the window. We couldn't see anything through the glass, it was so pitch black. "We should go to sleep."

"Mhmm." I got up, but he tugged on my sleeve.

"You're not gonna leave, are you?" he asked, a little red in the face.

"Just to change, Denks," I promised. "I'm not gonna sleep in my jeans."

"You could borrow mine. Not my jeans, but you know, my clothes. If you want to. You know," he gestured vaguely at his dresser.

"Um. Sure," I laughed a little at his suddenly (and adorably) flustered face.

Once we were both changed, we got into bed together. I took care to remember to keep the lights on.

His clothes were actually sort of big on me; I'd never taken the time to notice how much oversized clothing he wore, but now that I was practically swallowed in it, I could appreciate his style to it's full extent.

All I had on was a massive t-shirt (who even needs shirts this big) and a pair of plus ultra-baggy sweatpants. So once I was feeling shmol, we crawled into his bed together, latching onto each other like opposite poles of a magnet.

"G'night, Ei," Denki murmured.

"G'night, Denks," I replied. Knowing it would be hard for me to sleep with the lights on, Denki ran his fingers through my hair until I slipped into unconsciousness.

Just as I was about to fall asleep, he pressed a kiss to my forehead and mumbled against my skin, "Love you, Ei." I was too sleepy to respond, but I drifted off with a smile on my lips.


The next morning felt an awful lot like yesterday; the sunlight peeking in through the gap in the curtains and shining delicately across the floorboards, the fragility of the air that suggested it might somehow break if we disturbed it by moving, the low-hanging haze of the early morning seeping trough the invisible cracks in the walls and right into my eyes, my skin, my hair, my limbs, weighing me down so that I couldn't get up if I wanted to. The golden mornings next to Denki were the most peaceful moments I could ask for.

Denki woke up with a low sigh. "Hmmmmmmorning," he greeted me, grinning sleepily. His eyes weren't quite open yet, and he just snuggled into me further.

"G'morning, Denks," I responded. He didn't bother moving his head before just planting a kiss to wherever his mouth was, which was around my collarbone.

"I love you," he murmured, and this time I was alive enough to say it back.

"I love you t—" I started to respond, but then there was a loud knock on the door. It swung open.

In came Sero, who was dying of laughter. "Guys," he wheezed. "Come out right now, you gotta see this."

"Wha—" Denki let go of me :( and we got up slowly, but Sero just yoinked is out of bed and into the hallway.

"At least explain first, bro," I pleaded, and he relented as we got onto the elevator.

"Okay. So we were super bored, right? And Bakugo and Midoriya are there, Todoroki and Momo are there, Mina came by so we were together. And out of nowhere, Midobro gets up, grabs a random bottle, and comes back and puts it in the middle of us all. We're on the couches and shit so were in a circle. So we're boutta play spin the bottle—and it's no stakes, no getting jealous. We're all dating someone else who's in the circle. Figured we should ask you guys to join, so I ran over here."

"We never told you guys we were official, that happened last night after we left," I scratched the back of my neck.

"Mina and I never told anyone about us anyway. That just sorta happened recently, too, ever since we got her back," he shrugged. Not my point, but whatever.

The elevator dinged onto the ground floor and we walked out.

Todoroki and Momo were wearing matching turtlenecks (cute), and Bakugo and Midoriya were just sorta chilling, holding hands. Mina was waiting there for Sero to come back, and her face brightened when she saw that we showed up.

"No weirdness?" Denki asked, and I looked at everyone there.

"Hopefully not. Won't get jealous?" I replied, and he shook his head.

"Nope," he shrugged.

"Lit, let the games begin," Sero grinned, dragging us onto the couch next to him and Mina.

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now