Chapter Eight

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The next morning, Bakugo was extremely flustered and stiff. And limping. Oh, jeez... it took my entire being to not be laughing. He and Midoriya arrived together, Bakugo sort of behind him because he clearly hadn't wanted to show up today.

To the best of my ability, I ignored him and turned back to my breakfast. However, the universe seemed to be pitted against me as Bakugo ended up sitting down next to me, however shakily. "Think he has a new favorite food?" I joked, and Bakugo just scowled at me.

"He can't really talk," Midoriya explained unflinchingly even as Bakugo's glare shifted from me to him. "Hey, are you okay after yesterday? That one lady at the mall was way out of line."

"Sure, I'm alright," I replied, scratching the back of my neck. That much, at least, hadn't done anything to my mind. It wasn't like that lady was the first homophobe I've ever run into. There was a lot of other stuff yesterday that screwed around with my head, anyway. No room in there to worry about one stupid Karen. I hope both of your children are non-binary and pansexual, so take that, bitch. I sighed, then noticed I was staring into space.

"You sure?" Midoriya asked to make sure.

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah."

"Good. Oh, I had one other question," he started, and I looked back at him. "Are you and Kaminari-kun a thing?"

"No. Er... it's complicated. There's some stuff goin' on, y'know, up there," I pointed at my head. "Just some things that I gotta sort out. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship just yet," I laughed.

"Oh, that's fair," the greenette replied, nodding. "He seems like the understanding type, anyway."

"Yeah," I smiled. "I'm... really lucky for that, at least." I took the last bite of my food and got up to put my dishes in the sink. Before I left, I turned back to Midoriya. "Hey, I know we're bros, but if you hurt my best friend, you'll have me to answer to. First and foremost."

"Don't worry, Kirishima, I'd never hurt him," he grinned.

"Speak for yourself," Bakugo muttered quietly and a little raspy, a scowl seemingly etched permanently on his face.

I laughed, putting my stuff in the sink. "Drink a lot of water, bro, you're not yourself when you're not screaming at someone," I recommended before going back to Denki, Sero, and Mina.

"Fuck you," he whispered hoarsely as I giggled to myself.

I plopped down on the couch next to Denki, Sero, and Mina.

"Good to see that you and Bakugo are still getting along great," Sero said, still looking in the ash-blonde's direction. I shrugged.

"Yeah, there's no reason we wouldn't be. No point in avoiding him if he doesn't even know what he did," I pointed out. I bet he knows exactly what he did and now he's only dating Midoriya to spite you. "Completely off-topic, by the way, do you ever wish you could tell your brain to shut up despite the fact that people will think you're crazy for talking to yourself?"

"Oh, all the time, bro," Denki replied immediately. "I wish I could tell my actual mouth to shut up, too. Sometimes I just say shit. Did you know that dork means whale penis?"

"I..." I wanted to correct him but I didn't know if he was wrong or not.

"You're literally the biggest dumbass alive and yet you know the technical term for... whale penis?" Mina raised an eyebrow.

"See what I'm talking about? Shut up, Denki," said Denki. I laughed.

"Nah, you're not crazy," I smiled. No, he totally is for liking you so much. Or at all. "Holy shit, shut the fuck up," I grumbled.

"What was your brain telling you now?" Sero asked curiously.

"Ehhh... not important," I scratched the back of my head. Like you. "Okay, seriously, though," I sighed. "Sometimes I wish it had an off switch." So you can die? "No, not so I can die. I thought I told you to shut the fuck up."


"Need another hug, bro?" Denki asked, and I shook my head.

"I swear, I'm not suicidal. My brain just sometimes says stuff," I explained. "I don't take any of it seriously. It's just... really annoying."

"Alright, Ei," Denki said. We fell into an uncomfortable silence before he asked, "So, it's Saturday, what are we gonna do?"

"Your homework!" Iida yelled at us from the other side of the room. Did this guy have super-hearing? Was this is real quirk all along? Like what the hell?

"No," we all immediately said, shutting him down. He sighed loudly.

"Why I accepted life with all of you feral spawns of the Underworld, I'll never know. Would you like some of this mochi?" He turned to Uraraka, and that was the end of that conversation.

"Are we really that bad?" Sero asked, and Mina just sighed.

"Dealing with the whole class put together is worse than trying to eat a whale. Penis. Dammit, Kami!" Mina huffed. "Now I can't stop thinking about it." He cackled and I just shook my head, smiling softly to myself.

"We should have a Bakusquad get-together," Sero decided. "Like a lil' party, but just us."

"I have no objections," Mina nodded, and once Denki was done dying of laughter, he agreed.

"Sure," I shrugged. "Now we just gotta convince Bakubro to hang out with us."

Kiri(Baku?)Kami I probably won't finishWhere stories live. Discover now